Chapter Five: Entering A New World

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Exiting the elevator into the lobby of the apartment building felt like stepping into a time machine itself. The '90s charm was palpable, from the grainy carpet underfoot to the friendly nods exchanged. A man at the desk, Phil, greeted me with a warm "Good morning, Katie. Where are you off to?"

His words hung in the air, echoing through the lobby, leaving me bewildered. Why would he ask such a thing? Were people just friendlier in the '90s, or was Katie particularly close with the receptionist? My eyes quickly darted to Phil's name tag, providing the answer I sought. Recovering from my initial shock, I responded with a soft, upbeat, "Good Morning Phil, just heading out to pick up a few things." The voice that escaped my lips, soft and feminine, startled me. Katie's intonation and cadence seemed instinctual.

Phil wished me a good day as I stepped outside, meeting the brisk May air as it gushed onto my legs—an unfamiliar sensation. With each step, I noticed a confidence in my walk, another echo of Katie seeping through into my demeanour.

As I neared a newsstand, a group of men directed unwelcome remarks my way. "Hey, gorgeous, why don't you give us a little smile?" Catcalling was not on my list of expected challenges. Shocked and uneasy, I quickened my pace. "Fuck you too, bitch," they jeered as I escaped their line of sight. A sense of vulnerability lingered.

Arriving at the newsstand, I hoped to seek refuge in the pages of magazines. However, a Vogue cover caught my eye, revealing my new identity as the cover model, adorned with the title "Katie Miller: Top Ten Fashion Finds." The realization hit me like a tidal wave—Katie was not just anyone; she was a respected successful model. The worry of potential recognition gnawed at me, urging me to quickly purchase the magazine, alongside a Cosmopolitan and an Allure.

 The worry of potential recognition gnawed at me, urging me to quickly purchase the magazine, alongside a Cosmopolitan and an Allure

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Scrambling through my purse for change, I completed the transaction, adding a pair of sunglasses to shield myself from prying eyes. With newfound anonymity, I set course for Tompkins Square Park—a haven from the unexpected challenges of Katie's life. The park held echoes of childhood visits with my grandparents in Manhattan, providing a familiar sanctuary in an unfamiliar existence.

Seated on a park bench I instinctually crossed my legs so as to not reveal myself. I delved into the articles of the Cosmopolitan. The content had titles like, "Relaxing Him (And You) After a First Date," "Unleashing the Sex Goddess in Every Woman," and "The Stay-Skinny Survival Secrets," all topics I was not interested in exploring. Turning to the Allure magazine, a glimmer of hope emerged. Articles on Summer '96 fashion trends and Hollywood makeup techniques captivated my attention.

However, my optimism waned as I stumbled upon an advertisement featuring Katie Miller's face for Calvin Klein. The realization of her success heightened my anxiety about navigating her life. 

I knew I had to find a way back to my mundane existence as Noah Parker, but the path ahead seemed increasingly uncertain

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I knew I had to find a way back to my mundane existence as Noah Parker, but the path ahead seemed increasingly uncertain.

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