Start from the beginning

Everything seems normal to him! Harris!

"Who the hell are they? Who the hell are you? What the hell is this place? What the hell happened to me? How come you knew my name?" I asked all at once without taking anything close to a slight pace.
As if Harris owed me the whole explanation.
How am I even sure he's Harris?
Like so f*cking d*MN sure he's Harris?
I swear I'm so sure I could bet my last dime,
But the craziest and confusing part is I seriously don't know how or why I'm sure.

"Reincarnated! Welcome to GAHARA!" Harris answered as he turned back to face me.
Reincar... .... .. what??

Weird, right?
The weirdest part is the fact that he's smiling,

Boy, He knows something!
Something I don't! And I must!

And. - --- -- - hold on, Did I hear GAHARA? Or was it my ears doing their things.

"What do you mean by reincarnated? And did you say GAHARA!" I asked, drowning in anxiousness,a shiver of inquisitiveness stirring down my body as I raised my eyebrows while he dragged me alongside him at an incredible speed.

He swerved me right from left through the bushes, I can't even get a grip of myself.

"Just... ..."

Violently, The ground cracked open blasting out shreds of rocks.
An incredibly huge vine with dangerous thorns stormed out of the ground towards me.

"Aah!" I screamed.

Harris spun left as he drew me right.
At an incredulous speed Harris dip his hand into his pocket and let out the shattered sword into the freeness of the air.

The swords arranged mysteriously at a Snape, cutting down the vine and then falling back into Harris's grip.
Just like a projectile!

He dragged me once again and we continue the run.

Arrows, slicing through the woods.
I bent as if I had just dodged an imaginary arrow, anyway, I couldn't help but look back.

WHAT THE HOLY.... ... ... !

My eyelids extended like they would lengthen above normal if care isn't taken.

Now it's not just giant horses, but giant horses with huge, scary wings...

Flying horses?

"Release the border!!" Harris screamed as he kept his grip tight on me.

Release the border?
What the h*ck does that mean?
What border?

Incredulously, beautiful lights resembling an edited rainbow shoot out of the ground, making a trail, a straight trail that formed a line of lights shooting ominously into the sky.

Is this... The border?

Soon the lights formed a border, giving me the LEGEND OF THE SEEKER' Chill.
Exactly like that border in the movie,
The border called the boundary.

[A/N: Any fan of the movie? Legend of the seeker?]

I couldn't even protest or ask questions before the border swallowed us up.
like a south pole found a north pole it pulled us in.

Suddenly, after what seemed like seconds of lifelessness We burst out of the other side of the boundary.

I heaved uncontrollably,
Of course I should be heaving.
First, I woke up in a forest,
Second, I couldn't even remember what led me to the forest, Curse the blurry memory! Except the fact that I knew something was chasing me, and the most annoying part I have no idea what it was!
Ghost riders on masks made of thorns and horns chased after me, longing for my life, for no reason whatsoever!
Now, horses with wings??
And now I burst out of a magical boundary into a .. into a... .... ..

"Welcome to ELVELON🏰" Harris said spreading his hands majestically in the air. "Kingdom of the elves, one of the esteemed kingdoms surrounding the central kingdom"

I've heard of that name before--- ---- --- --!

A high-pitched sound sprang through my head disrupting my thoughts and giving me an intense ache.

"It's happening" I heard Harris voice.

I placed my two hands on my head as my eyes went shut and images started flickering and displaying all around me.
Like I'm in a deep sea of memories, my memories.

" And that's the end" Granny smiled, clapping the book.

" The end?? Doesn't sound like the end to me! I think there should be a volume two since GAHARA will rise again" little Evelyn retorts "plus the fact that there'll be a choosen one and Ezuko died with an incomplete statement. besides who is the choosen one?"

"You sound so sure about everything, isn't it just a story?"

"Just a story? it's more than that to me".

"What does it mean to you then?".

Evelyn, silent.

"How about you make a volume two" Granny smiled. "Your own volume two where you get to be part of the story'....

"That's impossible!".

"What if it is?" Granny concluded with the question.


[A/N: How was this chapter?
Boring? Interesting? Was it intriguing enough?
Could you relate with the lead character?
WHAT'S YOUR thought on Harris?
And the last but not the least!!!
Who else loved the show TEEN WOLF and LEGEND OF THE SEEKER'?


Lights out!!!
DanielOysheks, I recreate, modify and reconstruct reality with just the keyboard!

 Reincarnated, Queen The Land!Where stories live. Discover now