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It- —ru- -ns - - -through -- -y -- our- ve-i-- -n! You-  —are- th—thechoo— —sen— one!!!!!!!!!

      A DISTORTED HIGH PITCHED SOUND sprang all over my head.
My head!
I grab my hair, holding unto my head. though my eyes aren't open, but I'm pretty much sure I'm holding unto my head which is as light as a mini-sized  paper kite.

My body aches like hell, my head especially.
What the h*ck happened?-- --- to me?

[A/N: Was for it, this chapter contains a lot! Omg! You gat to see for yourself]

I open my eyes slowly and warm beam of sunlight overwhelms me.
The moment the blurry view clears off and my eyes clashed on the surroundings I went wide-eyed!

I sprang left from right like the confused soul that I am.
What is this place?
Taking an unsettled view I realize the fact that I'm sitting on the floor, in the middle of an outlandishly large forest.
hold on, a forest?
A forest?
What the heck am I doing in a forest?
a foresttttttt !!!!

The sight of the outlandishly colored giant trees that formed beautiful canopies, shooting up into the sky like they would tear into the heavens made my heartbeat multiply wildly.
Sweat rolled down my back as beads of sweat gathered on my forehead.
Not that I don't like beautiful things???
But--- -- I mean--- -- I've never seen a tree this huge and eeriely beautiful and It's just..just too eerie. seems queer.
Too beautiful to be called natural.
it's freaking me out!
Something about everything feels abnormal!

A Multicolored giant bird flew across the sky.
Yeah, I'm pretty much sure that's a multicolored bird, like it's made out of rainbow, mixed with a spark of fire.

Does that even make sense?


hold on, a phoenix?
No it can't be.
I seriously can't stop my heart from beating like crazy right now,😱
Hold on, Where the h*ck am I? what happened to me?
I ..  ..I....was...I...I was..I was running.. running, yes. running.. . through the dark aisle .... .. ..And then.. and then...and..and then what happened???
Oh my God! I can't remember a thing!
Why was I even running? What was chasing me?
My head is so blank.
The more I strain to remember, the more the high pitched voice increases in my head.

Oh goodness, this is so frustrating.

Where am I??
Is this a nightmare?
Why is my head so blank?
As blank as someone who gat no brain.
What am I doing in a forest?
Why am I dressed in--- --- --Hold on.

Why am I dressed like I'm in some kind of ancient Era?
Apron all the way from my shoulder to my belly.
My hands, gloved.
My legs in stockings
A full skirt tailored from my waist, ending at knee length.
My body, on plain top of rough linen.

Why am I dressed like a peasant?
Like a maid!
Even if I can't recall anything I'm still conscious of the fact that I hate skirt.
Evelyn what the h*ck happened to you?

Everything is just not right!
I'm not supposed to be here! I know that for sure.

A sudden grumble Interrupts my pondering.
The ground vibrates like there's an incoming earthquake.

I widen my eyes suspenseful as I'm fixated right where I am.

"Aaaaaaaah!!" loud wails grabbed my attention.
It's coming from the other end of the forest.

"Trolls! Trolls! Trolls!"
Dozens of beautiful looking people(unnaturally and fishily beautiful) sprang into the forest's aisle as if chased by merciless demons.

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