For Even Birds Don't Fly In The Rain

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For Even Birds Don't Fly In The Rain
Written for a Creative Writing assignment
-a villanelle-

I know it's hard to explain.
Nothing good will happen at this rate.
This way causes less pain.

I know you may think I'm insane
for giving up on what may seem great.
Even birds don't fly in the rain.

It's harsh to put it this plain,
but I sensed disaster at the first date.
This way causes less pain.

This relationship had nothing to gain.
This is just our fate.
Even birds don't fly in the rain.

Going after her is too much of a strain.
I should let her go before it's too late.
This way causes less pain.

I'll just let her board the train.
Saying this really lifts that weight.
This way causes less pain,
for even birds don't fly in the rain.

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