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•"I declined his offer," I informed her. She began pacing around the room, perhaps hyperventilating. I rolled my eyes. "Calm down, it's not a big deal. I'm content with my current job." She stared at me in shock. "No, Isa, you don't understand. You turned down Romeo Persico. Are you insane?" I shrugged. "You're exaggerating, Noelle." She couldn't believe it. "You rejected a mansion, a personal bodyguard, a large office, an excellent salary, and a good-looking boss for this lousy office! Why?" I didn't want to work for a cold man who seemed like a real-life robot. "Because he appears to be annoying," I replied. She gaped at me. "How can you--never mind. Contact him and tell him you're accepting his job offer." "I won't." "Why not, girl? Are you listening to yourself?" "Yes, now go. Don't you have work?" She groaned. "Fine, bye. But this conversation isn't finished, and I'll tell the others. You'll see, they'll support me." "Yeah, yeah, bye. I have to finish my work." After she left, I sat back down and resumed working.

          Two hours later, Charlotte entered. "Isabella, the boss wants to see you in his office now." The boss? "Why?" She gave me an annoyed look. "How am I supposed to know? Just go to his office." She left. I sighed and stood up. While walking down the hallway, I couldn't help but think that the boss never called for anyone. He's a ghost. No one even knows his face. The only thing anyone knows about him is that he's strict and loaded. Did I do something wrong? Why is he asking to see me suddenly? I groaned internally. Today isn't my day. I knocked on the door and heard a dark, rough voice say, "Come in." My words died down in my throat when I saw the man in front of me, the so-called boss. He chuckled. "Surprised? I told you I would make you work for me." I narrowed my eyes at him. "You weren't the boss last month."
     "No, I wasn't," he replied. I narrowed my eyes at him. "You've been avoiding me, Mr. Persico, and now you appear out of nowhere."•He rose from his chair and headed towards the window. "I apologise for avoiding you, but I needed to speak with you. I noticed that you have been ignoring my messages," he stated. His sudden appearance startled me. "I found out where you work and purchased the place," he said, glancing around the room. "You deserve a bigger workspace than this." I sighed. "You bought this place just to talk to me?" I asked incredulously. "Yes, after you declined to work with me and blocked me, I had to take extreme measures. I thought giving you space would make you reconsider and accept my offer, but you prefer to work here. Your talent exceeds this environment. If you-"

           I cut him off. "Mr. Persico, I already stated that I won't work with you," I objected. "I know, and I don't care. Please, sit down," he replied. "Why do you want me to work for you? There are more capable people than me. What's the big deal if I decline your offer?" He seemed annoyed at this point. "I don't think you understand that you have no other choice, do you?" I was even more confused. "What do you mean?" "I made certain that no one else will employ you except me. By the way, you're terminated," he said with a smile. My eyes widened in shock. "What? You can't do that!" He shrugged. "Of course, I can. I just did. And I'm the boss around here" Tears began to well up in my eyes. "The only place you can work now is under me," he said smugly. "Go to hell," I said, leaving the room.

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