Daniel - Depression PT 1

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Daniel- Depression.

Trigger warning – suicidal thoughts, self-harm, some mentions of panic attacks and others. If you get triggered don't read. If ur fine, then please continue.

And also, please give me suggestions.

If you need to talk to anyone, I'm available, and if you don't want to talk to a random stranger, call the suicide helpline – I guess they are strangers too, but they can help a heck of a lot better than I can –

And also, why is it every time I write a sickfic, I come across another one with the same person, same sickness.

It's like 2 in the morning rn and I'm doing homework and this.

This is also a bit based on THE SON, a movie about a depressed kid names Nicholas. Mostly the end.

Oh, and also, the boys started the band when they were all 16, and they are all 19 now. In this chapter, not in real life.

Not General P.O.V, but not a certain person P.O.V. So, yea. (Update, I guess it's kinda General.)

Daniel didn't know when it started, or how. Maybe it was the pressure in the music industry, or the fact that he was young when he left his family. Maybe it was the pressure to be perfect on everything, pictures, music, public, concerts, interviews. Maybe it was the thought of letting his family down, music related and flunking out of school. Or it could be the hate, but he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure if it started before or after the band.

He felt alone. All the other boys seemed happy and good. They all seemed to have a genuine smile on, and Daniel could only fake it till you make it. Once in a while, he would have a good day, or hour, and forget all about his problems, but that was rarely. He would normally have on a fake smile, but inside he was broken. It was as if he had a mask on, but if that mask was removed, and everyone could see who it was underneath, he would be put into his own prison and never come out. His mind was that prison.

He had a chart for all of his mistakes, and for all of those mistakes, depending on the severity, he would do something. It could be accidentally putting his shirt on backwards or inside out, or it could be not getting the right high note. It could be as simple as getting sick or breaking a glass. None of those were mistakes to anyone else, but to him, everything he did wrong, accident or not, it was a mistake. And that something that he did, was something that no person, child, or adult, should have to go through.


I would do something where no one could see it. If I did it where they could see, they would all laugh. I cut myself on my arm once, and had to wear sweaters for months, because if someone noticed, I would be a laughingstock. When I was old enough, I went to get a tattoo to cover it. Then I finally felt okay to wear a shirt. No one noticed the cut, and when I got the tattoo, the mark was faded enough for the artist to not notice.

If I did something wrong that was small, such as putting on a shirt wrong, I would do one cut, but if it was big, like breaking a glass, I would do two or more. I know it was wrong, but I couldn't help myself. It was as if a force pulled me to the little piece of shiny metal.

Yesterday, I didn't make my hair in a straight part, and that earned a cut and a line in my chart. A couple days before, I accidentally dropped a glass container and it smashed, then after I cleaned it up, Jonah stepped on a piece of glass that I missed and cut his foot. That got 4 cuts, 2 for the glass and 2 for not cleaning up properly and Jonah cutting himself. It also earned 4 lines in the chart.

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