Jonah- Sick/ boys don't believe him

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Jonah – Sick/ No one believes him.

Hiiii, sorry if this took forever also, I need suggestions and ideas, it literally took me 2 days to figure out what to write about...Also, I'm writing this on the bus (because it's a 2-hour bus ride, 2 hrs there and then 2 hrs back, no exaggeration) so there might be some mistakes.


This month has been better than the past few, but they were still continuously working on music and tours. They hadn't had a week off for 2 months and they were exhausted. Interviews, tours, music, and management was getting the best of them. '

They knew this type of schedule wasn't good for their health. They've already gotten sick with this type of workload before, and they were just waiting for something worse to happen. Jack's seizures have gotten better, and the boys continue to try not to baby him. All the boys have been healthy, although tired, until



No idea how to describe this. Churning stomach, pounding head, sweaty but freezing, feeling like I can puke or pass out any second. Oh wait, I do. I call it a 'fever'. Not my words, literally have no idea who invented the thing, but I hate whoever did it, because this sucks. Literally. No joke.

And that's what happened when I woke up this morning. The blinds were closed, luckily, because my head would explode. Even the darkness hurts it somehow. I look over to check the time and regret it. The blinding brightness of my phone. I quickly turn it down and read the time.

'5:07 am' it reads. I groan and roll over only to be met with a heat rising in my chest. I shoot up and feel a bit wobbly, but I don't have time to wait it out. I rush to the washroom in a panic and barely get to the sink before a stream of bile and stomach acid comes rushing out. When I have a break for a minute, I wash it down the sink and sit down on the cold tile just as another round comes on.

I scramble to the toilet as another spew of puke shoots out of my mouth, hitting the toilet water. This goes on for another 5 minutes before I feel like I'm done. I grab the bathroom trash can and make my way back to my bed, placing the can beside the bed. I try to fall back asleep after all this uneventful and gross morning. Eventually, I did.


I woke up and looked over at my phone. '7:36'.

Shoot, I'm late. We had an interview that morning at 8 and we had to leave by 7:45. I scrambled out of bed and quickly got ready. I threw on some skinny jeans and a white t-shirt since it was really hot outside today.

I ran downstairs to see that none of the boys were up already. I ran to Dani's room, Corbyn's room and then Jack's. The boys all forgot about that interview. Afterwards I went to Jonah's room.

He was still sleeping peacefully. I shook him awake.

"Come on Jonah. We have an interview at 8. We have to leave in 5 minutes." He didn't budge. "Jonah." I tried again

"I don't feel good Zach, can I just skip this one. Dani can take care of you guys." He said. We were all tired. It was the oldest excuse in the book to fake sick.

"Jonah, stop the act. We can't skip this one. You won't get away with it. And trying to use the youngest as a 'believe me you naïve child' won't work on me." I told him and then opened the blinds.


I tried to make Zach understand that I wasn't faking sick. I was about to run to the washroom because I felt like puking. But I didn't, knowing that he'll just not believe me still. He walked away and I thought he was leaving, but instead a blinding light shot through the window. Ugh, not the blinds!

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