Corbyn- headache/ trying to hide it pt 2

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I forgot to put this in the 1st part.

Boys ages –

The Dad – 21

Dani – 20

Bean – 19


Zach – 16

And this is a recap of pt 1.

My vision was blacking in and out and I felt myself falling. I felt strong arms grip me, but I was already unconscious.

Jonah P.O.V

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked Corbyn. He just rudely got up and started walking away in the middle of our conversation.

"I have to go to the washroom." He replied and tried to continue walking away.

"Well, we were talking, you can't just walk awa-" I tried to say, but he cut me off by running off. I scoffed at him but then noticed he threw up right before the doorway. He was swaying on his feet, and we all ran towards him. He started tipping over and I grabbed him under the arms before he hit the ground. His eyes were closed, and I realized he must have passed out.

I placed him on the ground and waited. "He's not waking up; it's been 15 minutes." I heard Jack say. His face started scrunching up and his limbs were twitching.

"Dani, call 9-1-1, tell them Corbyn passed out and is seizing." I started my timer and put him on his side. "Jack, go get Zach and a cold cloth." The boys ran off to their respective duties. Daniel came back and told me the ambulance can get here in 5 minutes. Jack returned with a groggy Zach and gave me the cloth, which I immediately placed on his head.

As soon as Zach saw what happened with Corbyn, he immediately started crying and Jack hugged him.

"W-What's happening? Zach asked through tears.

"He's having a seizure, he'll be ok. Don't worry." I said, trying to calm him down. But inside I was cursing myself for not realizing sooner. Corbyn stopped seizing after 4 minutes, and the ambulance arrived soon after. They ran through the door and put Corbyn on a stretcher.

"Any history of heart conditions or epilepsy?" The paramedic asked. I shook my head no.

"Any fever, or anything else that could have caused this?"

"I-I don't k-know. He th-threw up and f-fainted. Then he h-had a seizure. It lasted around fou-4 minutes." I replied.

"That's ok. You did great. Putting him on his side and timing his seizure is the best thing to do." She smiled.

"We have to go!" Said the male paramedic, in a concerned but strict tone. "He's seizing." I looked over to see Corbyn's limbs twitching viciously and his face in the same pained and scrunched up expression as before.

"Two people can ride in the ambulance with him." I looked over to Daniel and mouthed 'Go with them'. He looked at me with an 'are you sure' look, and I nodded. I ran ahead and jumped in the back of the ambulance with the 2 other paramedics. The male was putting a needle in Corbyn's arm to stop the seizure and almost immediately, his limbs stopped twitching and his face relaxed.

My hands were shaking, and my knee was bouncing up and down. The female paramedic (whose name is Lucy) took over and the male (TK) came over and sat beside me.

"He'll be alright. What's your name?" He assured me, and I hope he was telling the truth. I started crying when he said those words.

"J-Jonah" I answered.

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