- Take your time, Mac said as they found a place to sit and I ordered food to eat.

Nan took out her wristwatch and looked at it.

-Um, wait another hour, Nan replied.

The two sat next to each other with Mac always having his arm around him. Which meant nothing, he was still holding Mac's hand and talking to his friends

-I'll be in in a moment. I know I said those words. Every time I come to see Mac and I have to go back to Thailand. But I'd want let me say one more thing. I hope you don't mind, he said with a smile.

All his friends smiled.

- I want you guys to take a look at Mac. I know Mac takes care of him to a certain extent, but sometimes if there are times when he feels depressed or can't think clearly about anything. I'll let you help him, if there's anything contact me, I know I can't get there quickly, but at least let me know as soon as possible. - I said in a serious tone Nan

Being away from home, away from loved ones, was already a painful moment. But when you have knowledge, and Mac is Confused or stressed about something? It will be less torture if he has friends by his side ... Mac still needs family and loved ones.

-Don't worry, we'll take care of Mac. You can be sure, Frank replied in the same serious tone.

Then he smiled with satisfaction.

-Thank you very much, he answered.

He turned to his lover and saw that Mac's face was even darker than before. But that didn't matter at the moment. And when the time came for them to pass through the gate, they all went together. Mac's friends wish him good luck. Ohm himself promised to take care of Mac.

By the time Mac arrived, Mac had gone over and hugged Nan without a thought to embarrass anyone. The two embraced, Nan kissing Mac's cheek left and right, alternating between them. and kissed her on the forehead... With a laugh in his throat when Mac pouted

I got drool all over my face, Mac grumbled, but deep down he liked it that way.

The two were no longer ashamed of anyone's eyes. Because many people do the same thing as them.

-I spoke. about it before, Nan replied.

Ohm smiled because he heard them.

- I made the stock first, which was the answer.

Ohm laughed because he heard.

-Take care of yourself. Don't do anything to make me angry, understand? Nan ordered Mac.

- I know, if it's something, I'll tell you right away, answered Mac.

-After I return to Thailand, I will send you a message to tell you. So you don't have to call me yet. Understand? Nan said.

Mac immediately furrowed his brows, looking at me.

- About? why not? Mac asked

- I'm going to sleep, he said smiling.

Mac punched him in irritation. The two looked at each other in silence, then he raised both hands to cup Mac's cheeks.

-Study hard and exercise. I wrote a program and put it on the table in your room. Please follow the schedule.

Nan said because she actually wrote it and Mac saw it.

Mac rolled his eyes.

- If I ever get tired of work and school, I'll get out, argued Mac.

-Yes, answered Nan. He didn't push too hard. I just want someone to love me. Get moving.

- I have to go in, he said.

Nan & Mac Book 2 (Love Syndrome)Where stories live. Discover now