Chapter 2 [Epiosde 6-10]

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[Episode 6: Trials Of Viridian Forest! Part 1]

As Ash continues his journey towards Pewter City through Viridian Forest, he encounters a Caterpie which he catches effortlessly. After that, Ash trained his Pokémons for the day. While Cubone and Pikachu were having no problem, Caterpie was struggling to keep up with them. Caterpie got upset at not being able to keep up with the other two and views himself as really weak. Ash tried to comfort the bug-type Pokémon, but it was still upset. Ash sighed, and thought that maybe if he gives Caterpie some time, he will feel better.

Later on, after having dinner together, the raven haired boy decides to camp outside with his Pokémons and soon falls asleep. During this time Caterpie had a talk with Cubone and Pikachu on how he wanted to become a beautiful and powerful Butterfree one day, but after he struggled to even do basic training, Caterpie is starting to doubt whether or not he will be able to do it.

Seeing Caterpie being so down, Pikachu and Cubone gave him some encouraging words. They told Caterpie that one day he will surely become a Butterfree if he tries hard enough, with Cubone telling Caterpie that he too wants to become a powerful Marowak and they will work hard together in order to achieve their goals of evolving. This makes Caterpie much more happy as he agrees with Cubone, glad to have the talk with Cubone and Pikachu.

However, on the sidelines, Pikachu is left wondering. What about himself? Does he want to evolve too? Surely, evolution will be beneficial for Pikachu, just like it was for Gary's Wartortle?

The next day, Ash caught a Pidgeotto with the help of Pikachu, but not before foolishly sending Caterpie first. This earns him a mocking remark from the Pokédex for not knowing the fact that Flying type Pokémons are strong against Bug type Pokémons, causing Ash to argue back with the device.

Just then, Team Rocket arrives out of nowhere and intrudes on their argument by reciting their motto. This makes Cubone frozen in fear and the trainer and his starter alert. They decide to target Ash's Pikachu and his Cubone, mentioning the former's incredible power, with Ash wondering if his Pikachu is really that special.

They send out Koffing and Ekans to battle, with Koffing's Sludge attack blinding Pikachu and Cubone and effectively taking both of them out of the battle. Ash accuses them of playing dirty, but Jessie, James and Meowth just laugh at him and tell him that anything is fair in love, war and stealing Pokémon.

Gritting his teeth, he stands in front of Pikachu and Cubone defensively, and contemplates his options. Caterpie has already taken damage so that only leaves one option, his newly caught Pidgeotto.

He sends out Pidgeotto who dodges both Koffing and Ekans's attacks before going into a Quick Attack. Ekans avoids the attack by going underground, forcing Pidgeotto to come to a sudden stop. Koffing fires a Smog attack from behind, which Pidgeotto splits with its wings before dodging multiple Sludge attacks and Ekans's retaliation. Despite soaring high into the sky, both Ekans and Koffing are able to keep up with Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto tries to hit Koffing with Gust but misses and is defeated by rapid strikes from the two poison types.

Ash recalls Pidgeotto, as Team Rocket haughtily laughs at their win and tells Ash in a condescending manner to hand his Pokémons to them. In a final act of defiance against the three evil doers, Ash sends out Caterpie, which only causes Team Rocket to laugh at it. Jessie commands Ekans and Koffing to attack and Caterpie cowers, but Ash orders him to use String Shot. Mustering what little courage he has, the little bug type launches the attack and surprisingly the attack completely incapacitates Koffing before Caterpie muzzles Ekans. Caterpie Tackles Koffing, knocking it into Ekans and taking them both out. Meowth tries to intervene, but he is also wrapped in String Shot. Taken by shock and embarrassment, Team Rocket flees but promises they will be back and steal Ash's Pokémons.

𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞: 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐚 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora