Chapter Three

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"You have been out a lot these days, Eren."

I turned around to see Mikasa standing by her bedroom door. She was knitting something but her eyes were focused on me. Goddamn, they seem like daggers.

"Oh well, I'm just at the market." I answered.

"And you never let me join you." How can she be so contrasting? Her voice is so soft and sweet, but my oh my, her eyes are piercing cold. Either way, both are equally captivating. "Will you please let me join you today? I also have to buy something at the market."

"Uhm, well, you can just tell me what you have to buy. I'll buy it for you. Plus, I will take long because .. I have a customer."


"Remember? Sometimes I go out to fish and when we have an extra, I sell it."

"Oh well, yeah. But can't I just join you, Eren?" Her hands stopped knitting so she just stood there, looking at me with questioning eyes.

"No, Mikasa. I can meet Vina alone."

"Vina? A girl?"

Did I .. say something wrong for her to react so violently?

"Okay. You just go alone. I'll ... knit here ... alone too." She pouted and went inside her bedroom. I can even hear her locking the door, making me question my entire existence. What have I done? Did I upset her? Which part of that triggered her?

Well, in all honesty, I don't have customers to meet. I didn't get to catch an extra fish the last time I went out. However, I do have a Vina to meet ... but I am her customer. Mrs. Terry recommended Vina, her daughter-in-law, to me because I was looking for a person who can make beautiful bouquets.

After giving it a lot of thought, I have decided to take my chances and ask Mikasa out on a date. Besides, didn't I run away with her because I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her? So, here I am, trying to make the most out of it. I only have four years left ... I can't afford to waste even a millisecond.

"So, how is the bouquet my daughter-in-law made?" Mrs. Terry asked.

"It's pretty. Look." I said and showed it to her.

"I think Mika will like this, Ren. You are doing a great job at this! Don't worry, Thomas and I will be here to help you. He also has a couple of suits here so you will look so handsome later when you ask her out on a date."


"My husband, silly." Then, a tall man suddenly entered Mrs. Terry's house and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Good day, Karla." My eyes widened at the mention of that name. Mrs. Terry's name is Karla? No wonder, Mrs. Terry looked beautiful. She also has a bit of resemblance to my mother. Remembering her suddenly made guilt creep into my entire system, almost making it impossible for me to stop myself from crying in front of Mrs. Terry and her husband.

"Eren, this is Thomas. He is my husband." Mrs. Terry said and hugged him.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Terry." I greeted him.

"Nice to meet you too, young man. My wife here has nothing but good words for you and your soon-to-be-lover." At the mention of Mikasa, my heart lightened. Every time someone talks about her, everything about my life and this world suddenly becomes so precious.

"I want to cut my hair." I untied my bun and let my hair fall down. Mikasa never complained about me growing out my hair. She always had compliments for me such as that I look great and handsome. However, I want to surprise her. I want to look presentable. I want to look likeable for her. I want to be the prettiest boy in her eyes.

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