Iris couldn't fight she just couldn't but she needed to win, standing up using her sword she made her way to him. He eyed her as she stood and held her blade out at him,

"I-I. Can't lose," she whispered as he wrapped his hand around the back of her head

She actually rested her head against his neck before she felt a light ting and the world go black.

Iris body slumped into him and her sword dropped Trip picked her up bridal style before walking towards all the rest of the team members the arena cheering as the winner was made.

"Two wins for us," the guild master said as he covered his face steamed echoing from below

Trip looked down at Iris' body as it twisted in pain along eight he rest of the loosened except Phoenix Wing, it made his blood boil

He let feathers from his hair form and land on the ones in pain and end the pain


"So the blind can cancel my magic of pain," came a deep voice before it disappeared in the dark

Cheryl walked to the battle arena balcony and told everyone the day was over and they would continue tomorrow and after the cheers she eyed the Phoenix wing guild balcony and the master with his head in his hands. She would break them all


Iris stirred in her sleep waking herself up she looked up to see a white roof and hear the sound of others deep breath, looming to her side Trip stood getting medicine ready in a needle before he put it in her arm looking up at her

"your awake," he groaned as he finished

Iris nodded before she felt her eyes get heavy and passed out again.

"Your a troublemaker," Trip groaned as he looked at her, a small smile coming to her face, "but thanks for the poison," he said as he rubbed his knuckles against her cheek


Paul woke up feeling heavy he was laying in bed next to Torta who was finally purring again but sleeping peacefully. Looking around he wa in a room full of people, the people from the tournament next to him in the next bed laid Ash and the rest of the alpha team beyond him while across from them laid team Comet dust, and next to that along the wall with the only window was Medusa Tail, the only team not accounted for was Death Melody.

Trip walked in the room he had gloves on and a mask, witch was unusual for him, he looked at Paul before turning his attention back to the medicine he was messing with before he waved his hand over the bottles and yanked off the mask.

"Mixing stuff again," Paul asked as Sniv flew in the room with another vile

"I'm trying to make the medicine faster and I was looking into Iris' poison," Trip stated holding a shot glass of medicine out tonPaul who looked at him like he was stupid

"Drink it and quit being a bitch, it's just medicine,"

"We both know I hate medicine," Paul said looking away

His head felt like it was going to split open, he grabbed his head and turned in the bed. trip eyeing him before grabbing his jaw in his weakness and making him drink the medicine.

"that was low," Paul spat as he coughed on the liquid

"Would you rather I put it in a needle and shoot you in the ass,"

"No but you grabbed my jaw a little hard and I was in pain,"

"Your body was acting to Iris's poison the battle field was covered in it from her spat with the crazy chic, who before you ask is with the rest of her team in a holding cell, turns out the girl used dark magic,"

"Witch is a no-no," Sniv said as he landed on the bed

"So now what,"

"We wait for tomorrow," Trip said as he walked over to tend to the rest of the people in the room


It was midnight and Paul's head was still hurting, maybe he could walk it off. getting out of bed he grabbed his head again. A mumbling noise inside there making his head feel worse

Soon his ears twitched someone was coming and a smell drifted threw his nose that was familiar.

"It can't be," he quickly tried to follow the smell the mumbling in his head getting clearer and louder

Soon he was in the dungeon under the arena and small flames danced off the walls as he looked around

Turning he felt someone watching him before a shadow got his attention, the way it moved left right left right soon it started to move and make something. It soon looked like a human body but parts of it kept the left right motion then it was like it was walking towards him

"Hello Paul,"

That voice, it was too familiar he couldn't move as the shadow stepped closer.

"You are all not safe,"

"How are you here," Paul asked as the shadow moved side to side

"I am-."

the shadow was fading

"Save them, bef-."

He was getting angry

"Past will come futures-."

"What what do you mean past will come futures,"

"Dragons and stars-."


The shadow was gone

"Save them, past comes futures and dragons and stars," Paul said looking at the place where the shadow was a swishing noise echoing around his ears


Paul looked up as footsteps echoed above him he took off to see what it was he made his way threw the crowd where everyone was gathered outside the holding cell.

Getting to a place where he could see he felt his stomach drop, in the beds where the Death Melody members laid now laid just black Clocks and clothes. Trip was standing over one, he grabbed the clock to love it and underneath laid a pile of dust.

"what the hell is going on here," Trip asked as the dust that was attached to the clock shattered on the ground


BanetteGirl: day two do rain in on vacation going home tomorrow so I couldn't wait to post this chapter :3 what could possibly be happening now??

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