Going Over To Auntie's House

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I woke up in a hospital. How did I get here? I sat upright quickly and held my head as I got dizzy. I feel someone help me up and I look up at them.

"Ashton?" I asked, confused.

She nodded.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your aunt called Deidre and them while we were at school. We headed over here as soon as we could."

"Why did you come?"

"I was.. Worried.." She says, nervously scratching the back of her head.

"Whe-" I was cut off with the door opening.

My family bombarded me with hugs and it was hard to breathe.

"Can't..breathe.. Please.." I say, trying to breathe.

I feel their bodies leave and I could breathe again.

"I'm gonna go. You should be with family right now and I gotta be with mine."

I watch her walk away and Deidre could see hurt flash through my eyes.

"Love, you need some rest. Don't worry about Ash. She'll be fine but I think she would like for you to sleep."

"I miss them you know?" I softly say.

Deidre nods and kisses my head. Just before I fell asleep, I heard her say,

"We all miss them."

Ashton POV

I walk out of the hospital and headed home. Jordan took Cam so I walked through the door and see them sittin' on the couch.

"Where's ma?" I ask, sitting next to Cam.

"She's headed towards Iraq."

"She got deployed already?"

"Yeah, she left a note on the table when we got home."

"I hope she'll come back."

I whisper, walking up to my room but someone pulled my arm. They gave me a hug and I began to cry.

"She'll come back don't worry. Ma has been serving for 20 years."

"I know."

I feel someone hug me from behind.

"It's going to be okay, sissy. Ma will come back to us like she always does."

I felt tears drop onto my back and I let go of Jordan and hugged Cam. She never really knew our dad but she hated him for leaving us especially her. It's hard for Cam sometimes but she always gets through it because she had us.she never really got to see ma when she was young because ma was always being deployed all around the country. Our aunt Claire took us in and has been taking care of us. We were living in ma's house but aunt Claire would check up on us.

"Girls, go pack some of your clothes."

"What for?"

"We're staying with aunt Claire for a little."

Cam and I obeyed and headed to our rooms, packing some clothes. I think Jordan did the same because I hear him run up the stairs and into his room. When we were all done, I helped Jordan put the bags in the trunk. We were taking his car and we headed towards aunt Claire's when we were all settled. Cam knocked on the door and we could hear shuffling.

"Hey kids, how are you?" Aunt Claire asked.

"We're fine but aunt Claire, let us in because it's cold out here."

She steps aside and we hear footsteps running down the stairs. I smile and picked up my little cousin, Candice. She was about 4 years old and she was the cutest thing ever. I kissed her cheek and she started bouncing up and down.

"Ash, what you doing here?" She squealed.

"I came by to see my little princess."

I tickled her belly and see my other cousins come down. They all greeted us and gave us hugs.

"I haven't been seeing you around school, shawty." My older cousin, Nikki, said.

"Well we do have class all around the school but I mean we don't even got the same class."

"I know! It sucks."

"Yeah it does."

My cousins are Nikki, her older brother, Miles, her twin sister, Brittlin, and the two kids, Candice and Cade.

"Hey Bri, why don't you ever hang out with me?" I ask, sitting Cade on one of my legs and Candice on the other.

"I didn't know if you wanted me to."

"You my cousin. Of course you can hang out with me. That's not the reason is it?" I said, realizing it.

"No, it's not." She said with her head down.

I patted the seat next to me and she sat beside me.

"You really like Deidre but you're afraid that she doesn't like you."

"Ash, don't tell her. I don't want her to know about it."

"She may like you back but you won't know it because you are too afraid to tell her."

"We're players! We don't do relationships. It's what we do. It's in our blood to be players."

I watch her cry into her hands. I rub her back.

"Maybe it is in our blood to be players but if you haven't noticed, Jordan is settling down with a girl named Hope. After high school, they're gonna get married. You just have to find the right one and you can hand in the player card but it'll still be in your blood. You have to resist it or else you could lose the one you love forever."

I look up to find my siblings and cousins staring at me. I roll my eyes and got up after setting Candice and Cade down.

"Ashton, do you have feelings for someone?" Nikki asked.

"No, I don't! Whatever I'm feeling isn't because I like this girl. It's all the same. We fuck then I go on to the next girl. I don't do relationships!"

"That's why you gave Bri advice. It sounds like you like this girl whoever she may be."

"Shut the hell up! I don't like anyone damn it!"

I slammed my hands on the counter making everyone get silent. I heard glasses drop and I turned to my left. My aunt was picking up the broken pieces. I kneel down to help her and apologize.

"I'm sorry aunt Claire. I didn't mean to get so upset."

"Sweetie, one thing I know for sure is that whenever you all fall in love, you all get angry real fast. You're falling for this person and I would like to meet her when it's time. For now, just stay calm and help me make dinner."

We get off the floor and throw the glass into the trash. I swept around the floor making sure I didn't miss anything and helped out my aunt while the others stood there.

"You ain't gonna be standing around the kitchen unless you wanna help!" Aunt Claire yelled.

I laugh as my cousins and siblings set the table up. I really love my family but at times they are so annoying.

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