Jimin- so..I heard you going india..

Tae- Hm..bit I will go after them..

Jimin- yea I know..enjoy enjoy..

Tae- btw how do you know..

Jimin- jungkook told..

Tae- He is more excited then us..

They laugh...

As they were talking door knocked he told come inside...whike a girl come inside...

And he sign..

Jimin- oh welcome Tia..(huge crush on tae)

Tia- hello taehyung *seducingly *

He sign...

Tae- miss Tia.. goes what you came here..I know so Please go from there..

Tia- then what about the date?

Tae- I don't want...please leave..

He got pissed off..as jimin sign..

Tia- if you want I can..stand one nig--

Tae-,I said get out!!!...

He about yell..

Jimin- um..miss Tia please go now..

She dogn left room..as he sign..

Jimin- how many times you will rejected girls..

Tae- see jimin..they just want money Nothing else..they dont have little bit of feelings..even nor I have..

Tae- They are not my types..I want my loyal one..who will he only mine..

Jimin- hm..and where is she?

Tae- I don't know..where is she..somewhere waiting for me? *sign*

He sign and lean his back on his chair..and chuckled at his own statement..

Here jimin sign...


Next day...

Mr roy and Adi ready to go airport to pick up kim family...

Adi- where this two..

Mr roy chuckled at his son..

Ashi- look like your are more excited. 

Yn- shh..let's go...

They nod..and about to left as ashi got call..

Ashi- nhi!!..

Yn- what happened..

Ashi- I really forgot I have to submit my assignment online..abd it's time now..

They sign..

Adi- and ypu telling us now .

Mr roy- it's Okey princess we will go and pick up them..you submit your assignment..

Yn- yea..ma also at home...

Ashi- ok*pout* bit come first..

Adi- yes..you go and study..

They chuckled and left house..and ashi also left her room..


At airport...

Adi is impatiently waiting for them as you both chuckled at him..

Yn- Vai.. calm down..

Adi- aish!!..

You laugh..

Mr roy- here are they. .

Adi- where?

Yn- haha..

Desi Mohabbatain..💗Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora