I'll be crazy

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There was a heavy discussion between the three adults. The kids were asked to leave so they sat in their discussion room as well to see what are all the possibilities of what could happen.

Their grandmother returned for some time as she wanted to visit France on the 14th of July. It was 2 weeks to the 14th and she decided it would be better to head home for some time instead of planning another trip in the middle of it.

After a few hours the parents returned to the discussion room to talk to their kids but they were all left in awe when they saw the three boys curled up and sleeping. They leave the room and go to sleep themselves. The next morning was a holiday so the boys woke up late. James was the first one up. Without disturbing the others he heads out.

"Boo !", his grandmother scared him. James flinched and then smiles.

Thank you. James said.

For what ? His grandmother questioned.

For coming here when I called you. James said.

His grandmother smiled. She was the only one in their entire family tree that bothered to learn sign language for the boys. The boys really adored her and she adored them.

So didnt you get anyone ? His grandmother asked.

Not really. James said.

Not really ? That means there is someone in the maybe department. his grandmother teased.

Kinda. James admitted as there was no point lying to his grandmother. Besides telling her is good cause she basically gave the best advice.

So how far have you guys gone ? His grandmother went straight for the question.

Sex. James said and his grandmother smacks the back of his head.

You need to leave that habit of sleeping with someone just because you are upset with something. His grandmother said.

I know , but I have already done it now. Jame said.

Why don't you ask that guy on a date? Test him out , do a three month trial and then see if you like him or not. His grandmother said.

What if he says no ? He might just be in there for sex as well. James said.

Well then you won't regret leaving him. If you avoid him now and try to move on you would have a bit of if in your mind. What if I dated him , what if he was actually the one. His grandmother said.

I guess it's worth a shot. James said.


Gun gives a quick call to Off telling him to have a double date with Fourth and Gemini. He sneakily also tells him to invite Net. James is dressed up by his brothers from head to toe.

I don't get it , why am dressing up ? James asked.

"Because we want you to ", Fourth said as the boys continued.

Net was heavily confused why he was being invited to be a third wheel but he agreed anyway. He felt his heart ascend to the heavens when he saw James was also with his brothers.

Net quickly walks up to James and says,

"You came too ? Well Off is on a date with Gun , Gemini is on a date with Fourth so that means we both are on a date here."

No shit Sherlock , who do you think told Gun to get you here. James said.

"Wait really ,so like does that mean we are official ?" Net asked.

Yes but no. I wanna try dating you for a while. Specifically speaking 3 months. James said.

"Got it , I guess I have 3 months to make you totally mine ", Net said as the other couples giggled on their own.

Everyone distributes themselves to enjoy their date separately. Two of them were having a fairly nice time , but one couple was going through a tough discussion.

"So did you break the engagement ?", Fourth asked.

"Obviously Fourth. I swear the only reason I had to be engaged to her was cause my parents needed me to have a partner. It's something in the family legacy , meeting the one for you at a young age. It was stupid and dumb but I played along cause it made things easier", Gemini said.

"Well, I appreciate your honesty ", Fourth said in a rather sarcastic tone.

"What can I do to fix this ? Come nah Fourth. Tell me how to make you forgive me", Gemini asked.

"Just give me some time , I'll get over it. Probably ", Fourth said.

"Sorry ", Gemini said for the last time and they just spent the rest of the evening in silence.


How was your date ? Fourth asked.

It was good , he seems like a nice guy , but I can't be too sure so quickly. James said.

How are you gonna decide on whether he is the one or not ? Gun asked.

Let's see, if I can't think of anything I'll ask grandma. James said.

What about Min ? You don't have any feelings for him anymore ? Fourth asked.

James fell in a dark flashback when he heard what Fourth said. He tried to cover up his emotions and say.

It's been too long since I met Min. We aren't like couples anymore , just good friends.

The other brothers just nodded. After some more talking they headed to their rooms. James felt torn after the conversation with his brothers. That's when he heard it, the sharp knocking on his window.

James looked at window to see Net. There was a great sigh of relief when James saw Net. Min also often climbed up to his window and they would always end up doing it.

James walked till the window when suddenly a thought came to his mind.
(Does he want to do it too ? It's fine James , you have seen alot of it , once more won't hurt you, atleast you'll know he isn't the one)

James opens the window as Net steps in. Net quickly closes the window and takes James by the hand putting him on the bed.

(Should have known) James thought.

Net clapped his hands to get James' attention. James looked at Net , waiting for him to make a move or just start up showing his lust.

Watch me closely. Net said.

I'll be crazy if I don't like you. Net signed with his hands.

James furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Net signing the same words again and again.

What are you doing ? James asked.

I learned this today , Off said if I signed it to you , you would like it. He said this is something that describes me. What does it mean ? No matter how much I ask him he won't tell me. Net asked.

James felt a flutter in his heart. He looked around to find a notebook. He then wrote down what Net had just signed.

"Oh , I guess it does really stand for me", Net said as he read the sentence.

James tapped on his shoulder.

Thank you for not rapping me , thank you for not abusing me , thank you for loving me. James said.

"Can you translate I only got the last line ", Net said.

James nodded a no as he kept the notebook aside and got in his bed. He tapped on the empty side of the bed and the duo cuddled to sleep.

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