I can't see

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The school was crowding outside looking at the jet black Royles Royce standing outside of the school and two boys standing and looking eternal.

He is always late !! Yesterday I had to wait a lot for him as well. Gun complained to James who just smiled.

That's why you should have gone with me yesterday and not him. James said back Gun smiled as well.

They both looked in front as they saw Fourth walking out of the school with few of his friends surrounding him.

James took it on himself to walk till Fourth and bring him to the car.

"Do you know Fourth ?", one of the girls asked.

"They are my brothers !", Fourth said cause he knew that they wouldn't be able to reply.

James smiled at the girl as she felt her heart flutter before he went to the driver's seat and drove the car away. Everyone watched in awe. No one really paid any attention to Fourth cause he was blind but his brothers made them question things.

So all of you are all set. Fourth said.

"Yes", Gun managed to say in a faint voice.

Since Gun couldn't hear , it was always hard for him to make out the correct pronunciation of words. Being bullied for it in his childhood , he had given up on speaking for a long time but he had resumed it again as he needed all the senses he could get.

You have gotten really good at speaking. Forth complimented.

James just heard the conversation. He could speak unless he did sign language and that was risky to do while driving. He just got them to their wanted location.

It seemed like a big event , there were thousands of people so the brothers stood close together. Things were always very hard when one of them got separated but it wasn't an outing if one of them doesn't get separated from the other two.

They all walked in the crowd and as expected, till they reached the pottery area one of them was gone.

Shoots , Gun is missing , did you see him. James said while holding Fourth's hand so he would understand.

"I can't see ", Fourth replied as James sighed.

"What are you sighing for ? He will come back , we always meet in the end ", Fourth said.

Whatever. James said.


Gun walked alone in the crowded area. Everyone was chatting , laughing and smiling but he couldn't hear anything. It was peaceful but lonely.

As he watched things around , he crashed into someone. He looked up and saw a man , a handsome man.

"Hello ", the man said.

( I can't hear his voice ) Gun thought sadly as he really wanted to hear the person in front of him.

"Sorry ", Gun said softly.

"Oh no it's fine , I should have looked your way. Btw what song are you hearing , I am surprised you can hear me with those earphones in", the guy changed the topic.

He very comfortably pulled out one of Gun's earplugs and putting it in his ear.

I got you, moonlight, you're my starlight
I need you all night, come on, dance with me
I'm levitating
You, moonlight, you're my starlight (you're the moonlight)
I need you all night, come on, dance with me
I'm levitating ~

[Levitating - Dua Lipa ]

"That's pretty nice , I like that song as well", the boy said as he gave back the ear phone.

(Glad it was , too bad I don't know how it sounds ) Gun thought as he looked back at the boy.

"Oh , I didn't catch your name ", the guy said.

The boy spoke too quickly so Gun couldn't make out from his lips , what he spoke.

"Oh how rude of me , I should introduce myself first, I am Off and I am participating in this event", Off said with a smile and put forth his hand for a handshake.

Gun shook it before saying,

"I'm Gun ."

"That's a nice name , more than your name , your confidence is remarkable you make eye contact really well, my anti social little brother could never ", Off remarked as Gun smiled.

"Thank you ", Gun said.

"So Gun you here with someone or are you here alone ?", Off questioned.

"My brother's ", Gun said.

"Oh wait you have brothers as well ? How many ? Are you older or the younger one?", Off asked excited to meet a new friend.

"I have two , both are younger than me ", Gun said.

"You must get me at a personal level , little siblings can be a pain in the ass but we still love them till the end of time ", Off remarked.

(He speaks so much , it's hard to keep up) Gun thought , but kept on smiling.

Off accompanied Gun around after that. Giving him a tour of the whole event. After the event Gun felt his phone ring. It was a video call from James.
He picked up.

On call

Gun - Hi

Fourth - Wow you are speaking

Gun - I can speak you know

Fourth - I know , still you usually don't , anyway we are at the entrance , meet us there.

Gun - Got it , bye

The call cuts

"I have to go ", Gun said.

"Seems like it , well it was nice knowing you Gun , I hope to see you again ", Off said.

"You too ", Gun said and left quickly.

(I should have asked for his number) Off thought regretting not talking more with Gun but Gun was long gone by then.

Gun reunited with his brothers to hear about all the things that happened with them. They were pretty excited to know how Gun made a friend as well.

So were there any feelings attached or just causal talk .Fourth questioned.

Casual only , there is no way he likes me like that, that to on the first meet. He doesn't even know I am deaf. Gun replied making his brothers go in deep thought.

None of them had ever considered doing  a relationship. The hard part wasn't getting someone to date them but their dissablities always seemed to become a barrier. James was the only one , who dated before.

If he is nice you can give it a shot. Fourth commented.

I already said no , I won't do it. Besides it's tiring , I had to act like I was not deaf. I have never spoken so much in my life. Gun said.

Why did you have to pretend ? You could have just been honest about it. Fourth asked.

The thing is, I couldn't just randomly say oh sorry I am deaf. The only reason I have any idea what you are saying is because I can read people's lips. Gun said.

James stops the car as the trio realise they already reached home.

You actually could have just said that , but still I get it , it's not something to mention but in case something increases with that guy , it would be better if you tell him soon. James said.

I get it , I'll be honest if I ever meet him again.
Gun said.

I am guessing you both are talking but I also need an overview , I can't exactly see you both. Fourth said as Gun giggled and spoke up about what they talked.

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