It was an accident, I swear...I'm sorry

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"Michael get him out of there he could get stuck OR WORSE" I yell at him to put Evan down I hear an employee calling someone named Peter to go find William and he does. Asher came out of the bathroom and saw what was unfolding and tried to help us.

Asher, Lila, who came back from her call, Kasy, Amy, the other employee and I were all screaming at Michael to get Evan down from in Fredbear's mouth.

"ON THREE......ONE.......TWO....-" Michael started a countdown

"Please Michael, Im scared-" Evan said kicking his legs and trying to free himself





"What the fuck were you guys thinking you know he hates them YOU KNOW he is scared of them AND YET YOU FOUND IT IN YOUR BEST JUDGEMENT TO SHOVE HIS HEAD IN THE BEARS MOUTH" I lost my patience and started screaming again




"I HATE YOU MICHAEL, I HATE YOU" Elizabeth screamed at him and ran to Asher and I hugged my leg crying Lila, Amy, and Kasy joined the group hug, this wasn't fair he was only 7 he had a life to live and now it was taken away we all took turns saying goodbye and the Aftons stayed as My mom said we would come back after we all got cleaned up Amy and Kasy texted their parents and they asked if they could come with us my parents had no problem and neither did theirs.

(Time skip to that night)

(POV: Michael)

I was lying on my bed in my room paralyzed with fear and pain..... I couldn't sleep nor could I have gone with my parents back to the hospital after what I had done. Father really let me have it when we got back and normally my mom and Elizabeth would try to stop him but this time they didn't even bat an eye. But I don't blame them

And the look of pure fear and anger on her face (He is talking about you) hurt me worse than my own mother's disappointment, but I don't understand why. Why do I feel as if my heart has been ripped out of my chest and shoved into my throat? It's not like I like her or anything.. right? But she is just a friend well she was a friend. No, she was more than that I did like her, I do like her, but I fucked it up. It was an accident, I swear.

I can't stay here I have to leave, I'm not safe here at all. I got up and grabbed a bag and filled it with clothes money and some snacks I jumped out of my window onto the roof and climbed down but first I left a paper with my number on it and left it under y/ns bed (her window was open and this is during the time when they went back to the hospital) and then I left and ran to a motel and paid for a room and sat on the bed and turned on the news and saw that the restaurant was closed and police were everywhere they didn't mention me or the gang. That's good for now but I'm gonna have to stay low.

(The next day)

(POV: you)

I woke up and my parents told me we were moving away from Hurricane and we were heading to LA the next day. I didn't know what to say but I packed my clothes with the help of Amy, Kasy, and Cora they helped me pack up and the whole day was filled with sadness, and after we finished my mom told me we weren't selling the house we were just moving to another property. That afternoon Mrs. Afton came over and told us that Michael was missing and they didn't know where he was.

"He left a note for you Kayanna," Mrs. Afton said handing me the folded paper and hugged me wishing me good luck in my new town, and left with Eli after she hugged me as well.

I rushed up to my room and read the letter out loud to Amy, Kasy, Lila, Asher and Cora,

" Dear Kayanna, if you're reading this it's cause my parents have realized I have ran away. I am so sorry for the way I have treated you since you got here, and it took me a while to realize that I had feelings for you and I didn't mean for what happened to my brother I'm sorry it was an accident, I didn't mean for this happen. I hope that maybe one day you will forgive me if I ever see you again"

Everyone looked at me as I read the note out loud.

"Well"? Asher stated confused  "Now what? He is already gone, the action has been done"

"He liked you? Like he like liked you?" Cora asked surprised

"I guess so" I answered her question and placed the note on my desk

"So this is it huh" Amy asked finally bringing up the elephant in the room. I was leaving once again I was moving away from all of my friends. But right now it is for the best. That night they had stayed over and a few tears were shed.

(Time skip)

I was out on my balcony wondering where he might be. Why would he do something like this? I was drowning myself in questions when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned round ready to punch whoever it was but lord behold, Michael caught my fist before I could punch him.

"What the fuck man why are you here?" I questioned him

"I needed to do something before I leave" he responded

(bolded-Michael italics- you)

"Look I'm sorry what happened wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to die"

"Well that's what fucking happened"

"I know look we were supposed to only make him touch FredBears nose and we were going to put him down and I was going to give him this" He pulled out a golden yarg foxy those were extremely rare

"So now what why are you here I can't just forgive you like that"

"I know, I don't expect you to but-"

"But what huh"?

"I'm sorry what is this"

"Sorry, for what-"

(yall finally gonna get a little bit of Michael x y/n)

He pulled me in and kissed me at first I wanted to fight it. But I didn't I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer I don't know why but it felt like I was on cloud nine like nothing ever happened. After about a minute he pulled away and I slapped his arm.

"You're still a douche bag"

"I know well see you around?"

"No can do I'm leaving tomorrow"

"What why"

"Parents don't think it's safe here"

"Well then I guess this is it huh"

"Yeah I guess so"

This time I was the one that kissed him and he pulled away and hugged me. I felt bad that maybe there was more to this story than what I know I guess I will never know. He let me go and left I went back inside to see the girls still asleep so I changed clothes and went to sleep as well.

(Time skip)

"Well this is it girls goodbye"

We had a group hug and I got in the car and we drove away off to a new adventure but some mysteries still remain. Where is Michael going? What will happen to the Aftons? Will I even enjoy my new town? What's going to happen to Freddy? Should I ever forgive Michael? Do I love him? I don't know but one day I'll figure these out but now LA here I come.

That is it guys the end of the book I am so sorry that I have forgotten about this book for so long. (or is it?)

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𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪 Michael Afton x reader Book 1Where stories live. Discover now