Revenge is a mother Fucker aint she

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Previously based on what you chose

You chose Guitar:

"Bitch I'll whoop your ass like a man," I said clearly pissed

"Too bad you won't I told you to watch your back" He stated examining my Guitar

"What nice Guitars you have here," Michael said while smirking at me

"Michael you son of a bitch don't you dare" I yell trying to get to him

"Fredrick you better not that shit was giving to me" Amy and I begged and pleaded with them

"Well that just makes this even BETTER" Fredrick says

"Oops," Michael says in a neutral tone as he swings the Guitar onto the floor causing it to break Fredrick does the same with Amy's Guitar as well whiles others laugh as Mark lets go of me and walks off laughing with Freddick, Simon, who let go of Amy, and Michael, while I rush to grab the broken guitar feeling extremely pissed as it was my Grandmother who gave me this guitar before she passed. I look at Amy and I can tell she is feeling the same way I am. How could he do that to us like what the hell did we do to him? (let's not answer that) Kasy and Cora came back and Amy and I told them everything without leaving anything out and we decided to get some revenge.

You chose skateboard:

"You're lucky you are a girl so I won't pulverize you" Simon said rolling his eyes thinking he is him

"Bitch I'll whoop your ass like a man," I said clearly pissed

"Too bad you won't I told you to watch your back" He stated while picking up my skateboard

"What a nice skateboard you have here," Michael said while smirking at me

"Michael you son of a bitch don't you dare" I yell trying to get to him

"Oops," Michael says in a neutral tone as he uses his foot to break the board as the others laugh while Mark drops me and walks off laughing with Freddick, Simon, and Michael, while I rush to grab two pieces feeling extremely pissed as it was my Grandmother who gave me this Skateboard before she passed. How could he do that to me like what the hell did I do to him? (let's not answer that) The girls came back and I told them everything without leaving anything out and we decided to get some revenge.

(The next day)

I walked to school with a plan to get my revenge on that stupid fucking furry and his crew. When I walked into the building my outfit was fire as always I noticed Michael staring at me with a black eye it almost makes me feel bad for what I have planned .....not really I said ALMOST people (breaking the fourth wall much) I knew it would for sure get him in trouble for breaking my Guitar/Skateboard (depends on what you chose)

I knew there was a midterm coming up and the bio-med teacher Mr.Ji was gonna be really mad when the answer sheets were missing and they just so happened to end up in Michael's locker only problem was I didn't know how to get him away from his locker so the girls would distract them while I slip the papers in his locker with gloves on its just so ironic that Michael tried to take the papers from me in Math class thinking it was a regular paper. Boy was he so damn wrong it was time to put the plan into action.

(in the bathroom so that there are no cameras and yes they checked the stalls no one was there but them)

"Alright good thing I did track cause I can outrun them giving you enough time to plant the papers in his locker" Kasy smirked as she beamed that she was fast

"Amy and I will keep watch okay the combination code 09-21-87 okay" Cora questioned me and I just rolled my eyes and responded

"Yeah I remember it was my plan okay let's go" I stated and the four of us left the bathroom and Kasy did what she said she would she ran up to them called them and I quote "bitchy ass furries" shoved Fredrick into Michael causing the two to hit the lockers and Kasy booked it out of there when the boys followed her (let's say that there are no cameras because a certain group fucked them up and the school is too lazy to replace them I WONDER WHO)

Cora, Amy, and I ran to the locker knowing we only had such little time I put in the combination like I was told and placed the answer sheet inside the locker closed it shut and thankfully no one was in that hallway but us cause it was lunch time and my locker happened to be right next to Michaels so I shoved my bookbag in my locker locked it and stood there waiting for Kasy when we saw her round the corner not too long after Michael and the others rounded the corner as well still highly in pursuit.

"RUN GIRLS JUST FUCKING RUN" Kasy yelled out to us and we all booked it out of there

"WE NEED TO SEPARATE ILL GO WITH KASY SPLIT" I yelled as we ran Kasy and I took a right and ran while Amy and Cora took a left I turned for a second and I saw that only Michael and Fredrick were chasing us 'shit we need to get rid of them somehow' I thought while we ran and I had an idea I grabbed Kasy's hand and pulled her to the staircase and ran down all the way to the bottom Kasy hid under the stairs but went back up to the first floor and yelled knowing they were coming

"COME ON KASY LETS GO TO THE FIRST FLOOR AND SPLIT UP" I pushed the door open to the first floor and ran out and hid behind a corner I silently watched the two split up Michael ran right past me like a dumbass Fredrick went the other way I made sure the coast was clear then head back to where Kasy was still hiding and she was about to yell at me but I covered her mouth and motioned for her to shut up cause I heard Simon and Mark coming down the stairs.

"Where the hell did they go can't find any of them" I heard Simon cry out in frustration

"They can't be too far not stop bitching like a baby and let's go look for them Simon" Mark said clearly annoyed

"I am not bitching about it Mark '' Simon tried to argue as the two left the staircase and went to the first floor moments later Cora and Amy came down the stairs and I grabbed them just in time before they opened the door.

"Okay mission success now just get through the day I would hang out but I'm going shopping for Evan's birthday party in a month I know he wants the Yarg Foxy and I have two so Imma got get something else for him," I said in a hushed tone

"Yeah, Mrs. Afton gave us all the invites we are going to" Amy whispered and the bell rang meaning that lunch was over so the four of us headed over to the gym.

That's all for today don't forget q/a Friday tomorrow

𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪 Michael Afton x reader Book 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat