The Sleepover

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Previously on I still can't remember the title of the book but who gives a fuck-

I just got out of the shower and I feel great ( i mean who doesn't after taking a nice hot shower and singing like they were Cardi B shaking all that badonkadonk) and pick out an outfit

And I go downstairs for dinner with the aftons.....again.

-at the table-

The tension in the air is so thick you can cut it with a knife, I try to just focus on eating my food, however with Elizabeth asking me questions every two seconds I can't

" Do you have any classes with Michael ?" she would ask me

" Yeah like two" I would respond

" how do you three like your school" Mrs. Afton would ask me

"It's okay I like the activities" I replied

"it's okay" Lila stated

" meh" Asher had responded

The adults start talking again and tune them out but I can't help but notice Asher and Michael glare daggers at each other while Elizabeth and Evan talk with Lila. I tune them all out again until I hear my father say this

" Sure they can sleepover I hope they have their bags since its a weekend"

I choke on the food in my mouth as Lila pats my back getting everyone's attention.

"Sweetie are you okay," My mother asked

"I'm fine mom," I say after drinking some water

"But why didn't you tell us they were gonna sleepover?" Asher said slightly upset

" Because it's a good way for you guys to be friends," Our father said sternly

" Well I don't mind them," Asher said while pointing at Elizabeth and Evan " But HIM *points at Michael* better stay away from me if he knows what's good," Asher said while glaring at Michael then storming out of the room.

-after they clean up-

Asher ended up coming back downstairs and apologized for being rude and helped the three of them bring their bags to the guest rooms

'Why didn't they tell us this' I thought to myself while sitting in my room then remembering that I had the girls' numbers so I texted them the whole story

( ~ this is for texting)

~ Amy~ Damn ngl I feel bad for you fr

~Cora~ That sucks but hey it's only for one night

 ~Kasy~ that bitch better have learned his lesson

 ~you~ yeah and do yall wanna hang out tomorrow

~ Cora~ Hell yeah

 ~Amy~ Yeah why not

~Kasy~ yeah

~you~ * sends location* let's meet here at say 1:30 pm

I place my phone on the charger and decide to change into my pj's however as I was changing ( you only have undergarments and no undershirt) someone walks in and when I turn around its Michael

" WHAT THE HELL YOU PERV GET OUT" I scream while throwing my controller at him

" I'M SORRY DAMNIT" He yelled back while slamming the door shut

'Today can't get any worse I thought to myself as I finished changing and told him he could come in

" Don't you know how to knock jackass," I asked him in an annoyed voice

" I did you asshole you didn't hear me" He retorted

"Whatever, what do you want," I say while rolling my eyes

" I just want to say sorry ig" He said while looking me in the eyes

"Sorry for what?" I asked acting oblivious

" For not knocking on the damn door idiot," He said while turning around to leave

" I'm sorry for yelling at you," I said

" so we even?' he asked

"Yeah," I said

" Okay well good night ig" He said while leaving a piece of paper on my desk

"Good night Michael," I said while he left the room and closed the door

With that, I got comfy on my bed and fell asleep

(Michael's POV bet ya didn't see that coming)

" Okay well good night ig" I said while leaving a piece of paper on her desk ( his number is on the paper)

"Good night Michael," She said as I left the room and closed the door

'Damn why did she have to be so nice' ( no he is not simping just surprised that you are being nice after what he did)

After struggling for a bit I finally found a bathroom 'damn why is this house so big' I thought to myself I washed up and got into some pj's and went back into the guest room and lay down on the bed 'maybe she not so bad I thought to myself while slowly falling asleep into what is known as the empty void of dreams

That is it for this chapter let me know what yall think and don't forget to vote tysm for over 600 views this means the world to me keep on the lookout for a new book with oneshots of character(s) from an anime or TV show or movie of your choice I will be posting the form to fill out if you want a book of oneshots of your choice of a character and what happens per oneshot the form while be out by Friday the 13th.

Love you guys  

𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕕 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝔹𝕠𝕪 Michael Afton x reader Book 1Where stories live. Discover now