Chapter 3 - A Day in the Spa with a Couple New Famous Friends

Start from the beginning

My heart pulsed. "Nothing is going on! We met and talked twice and that's it."

"Does he seem interested? Well, duh, of course he is. He's not gay, since I read that he's dated a couple girls before, so he has to be attracted to you. I bet he thinks you're hot."

The thought that he could think that way made my heart race and face heat. "Well.... even if he did, nothing would come of it. He's an actor. Actors and normal people don't mix. And we, meaning me and him, won't be here in Hawaii for too long. He's here for another few weeks, and so are we. In fact, we may leave after he does."

She snuggled next to me and gave me a sly look. "Well, then... hook him before he leaves. You know you want to. Your face is turning into a cherry. Plus, you wouldn't be normal if you didn't want some of that." She pointed to my screen at a little picture of Milo looking like he does now in a random video on the side of the screen. She opened a new tab and pulled up many pics of him from Google images. "Ooo... and that. Yikes, he's hot, especially in leather. And oh, heck, he's shirtless here under another leather jacket!"

I shut my laptop as my face heated more from seeing those pictures

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I shut my laptop as my face heated more from seeing those pictures. "Will you stop? If anything happens, it will just be us talking again, and at most, being good friends. He may be so insanely gorgeous and a nice guy, but he's off-limits."

She pouted. "You're no fun. When else and where else are you going to find a guy that makes you blush like crazy, and one that is making you forget that loser Ethan?"

I huffed. "Well, I just thought of him, thanks to you."

I got off my bed and went into the bathroom. Melissa shouted from out there, "You know I'm right! You said you didn't want romance, and now you're rethinking it!"

She was right, and I knew it. Whenever I was talking with or about Milo, Ethan didn't exist in my mind. Ethan was a hyperfocus when I was dating him, and maybe that was a reason why he got tired of me, since I was obsessing over him. Milo was another hyperfocus, but I never expected to meet him! And talk to him. And laugh with him. And hit it off...

Why did the first amazing guy I meet that made me forget a past heartbreak and made me think about romance again have to be a famous guy and a heartthrob on the internet?

~ ~ ~

Melissa and I were looking around everywhere on impulse as we went about the rest of the day. No sign of Milo. I wondered what he was doing for the rest of the day, whether he got to get his break and watch those movies that he said he would watch, or did he go out and do celebrity things? Like what? Parties. Fan meets. What did celebrities do when they weren't acting or singing or doing whatever made them famous?

Or maybe he was hanging out with friends. They were like his family, anyway, like he said. He was a young college guy who most likely loved to spend time with friends.

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