News are everywhere!

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3rd POV:

It was just moments after the crash. Everything went dark for a slight second and screams could be heard from everywhere as people were freaking out now knowing what was going on. One moment to the next one the life of many people changed. 

No one knew what was going on but the sirens went off alarming people to get inside and stay insice as well.

Everything was just chaos.

People were scared and all they could do was watch the news and wait for some kind of information to get through to them.



The news station were busting their asses off. Each channel was showing the exact same thing. It was only a couple of hours earlier that a major earthquake of level 7 on the richter scale had hit Japan and with it a lot of damage came as well. Houses were destroid, some piple lines got damaged. Water was shooting up from hydrants and some buildsings were even shut off from the power grid. 

No matter how bad the earthquake was..... there was nothing that could have prepared anyone about what followed. No one expected there to be a rift in the street which had led the heroes to be quite activ for several days.

News: As of now it is advised to stay inside and lock all windows and doors and not come outside. This is a national wide lockdown.

This was what the TV was repeating over and over every couple of minutes reminding the people that whatever was going outside was not a joke and that it was dangerous. As if the sirens outside were not enough, people were scared and there was nothing that could calm them down as no one knew what was going on.

No one could know how bad it was looking outside besides the heroes and even they were fighting to the best abilites. All hands on deck after all! All the heroes big and small as well as the studens that were qualified enough to help out from any hero school were called out to help as this earthquake had destroyed, trapped and even hurt a lot of people. Time was not something the heroes had on their hands and all of them had to act quick. Sleep and tiredness was a luxury they couldn't afford in these situation.

However they never had met an enemy like the creatues that came out from that small rift that had appeared. No training in the world could have actually prepared them for what came. Many lifes were lost and even some heroes who didn't calculated the whole situation well died in this accident.

News: The heroes are doing their best to make sure that no one is getting harmed. For now it is adviced to stay at home as for the heroes to be able to do their work more efficently.

Outside from the citizens home, the heroes were fighting strange creatues one could only refer to out of this world. The truth, however, was more simple and way crueler than anyone would think. All these poor souls that were trapped were just let go. It was the earthquake which had made sever buildings collapse and as it so wanted it to be.....There was one specific building, a charity building where only good things took place, a so called happy place for many people. It was a huge loss to the comunity indeed. Yet there were soo many of these things around that the heroes didn't know what to do, nor what to believe. There was no time for thinking! They had to be careful and act fast or it would be them who would lose their life as well.



At first the heroes thought that it was just simply a villain that was creating these things but the more they were fighting the more they saw some features which were always the same. These monsters had wings like a moth, they were all strong, they were fast as well and they were dumb. None of the creatues were fighting the heroes with any kind of sign of inteligence at all. In fact all their fights were in order to protect what was theirs and they would even fight among themselves as well.

It took exactly 3  days and 3 nights for the heroes to finally manage to get the area safe and for the people of the city to be able to start walking around again. 

New: It's Juliper from HighHops TV and I am live at the side where all things took down. At my side, I have pro hero Hawks as well as Miruko. Can you two say anything about what happened?

Miruko: We faught to the best we could so that everyone would be safe!

Hawks: There is no need to worry about anything. We got everything covered.

News: That is good to know but may we know what you were fighting off?

Miruko: Some weird creatues.

Hawks: As of now we do not know what they are or who created them. 

News: That is not really pleasant to hear, is it?

Hawks: We have some suspicious what is going on and will be investigating this further.

New: You all heard it! The heroes saved us once again from a huge tragedy which could have taken place. We will honor those who have fallen to protect us all and will be blending all the names in shortly.

As short as this small broadcast was it was enough for a lot of people to have their very own suspicious about the incidence. After all the TV was showing the building and everything around it. There was nothing left from the building but ruins. However what the camera did show was a huge gap in the ground which was visibly created by human hands. It just seemed that the whole building was not created to withstand any kind of earthquakes at all and that the earthquake had created a small rift that had made the ground instable. This made the whole building collapse and show the gap and the staircase as well as many many storages down below the ground.

Some say it was this one benefactory which was behind it and others say that it was the mafia. Then there were these people who actually guessed that All for One could be behind everything. As ridiculous as everything sounded, the truth was no one knew what was laying down there and what the heroes or the news just uncoved. They may not be as wrong but they were also far from the truth and the horror which took place down there miles below the surface and the face that this happy place had build up over centuries.

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