When Rhaenyra dismounted Syrax she smiled as her ladies ran to her side placing the maiden veil on her before excusing themself and leaving her alone with the King. Rhaenyra smiled at her father as she fixed her veil before they went in Viserys stopped her. "I hope, that your marriage is like the one I had with your mother. Full of love and happiness" Rhaenyra made herself smile at her father's words. "As do I father!"

The two made their way inside the sept, Rhaenyras eyes on Harwins as the two smiled at one another. Her veil dropped behind her, adorned in Targaryen, and Arryn colors. The two of them could only look at one another as the others spoke.

It didn't take long for it to finish a kiss was shared between the two as the Lords and Ladies of the realm cheered for the future Queen and King Consort. The ride back to the Keep had been pleasant for the both. Flowers were thrown at the couple as they rode by. Cheers sounded through the streets as they chanted Rhaenyra's name.

"Long live, Princess Rhaenyra! Our Alyssane comes again" Was heard over and over until the couple made it to the Keep. Harwin and Rhaenyra smile the entire time. Once inside the two separated as Rhaenyra changed into another dress her ladies laughed and gossiped the entire time.

"Has her dragon been spotted?" Rhaenyra asked as her ladies looked at her with sad smiles on their lips. Rhaenyra nodded as she looked at herself in the mirror. Once her ladies placed the last of the jewelry they rushed to the hall where they would wait for their Princess.

"Princess, Rhaenyra of House Targaryen first of her name, Princess of DragonStone and Heir to the Iron Throne." A new dress was worn by Rhaenyra, a low-shoulder white dress adorned with dragon scales as well as her mother's Tiara. Everyone stood as Rhaenyra walked in her father smiled as he stood.

Daemon's eyes were on her but Rhaneyra did not mind her uncle as she waited for her husband to arrive. "Lord Lyonel of house Strong, Lord of Harrenhal and his son and Heir Lord Harwin Strong the future King Consort" Rhaneyra stood clapping for her husband as his house took a seat on the main table with them.

Everyone began to go back to their own conversation before one by one everyone's attention went to the large doors at the end of the hall where Ser Harrold spoke once more. "The Queen Consort Alicent, of house Hightower!" Alicent had been announced, and everyone's eyes had landed on the young Queen.

She wore the same green dress as last time. Rhaenyra could not help but scuff at her, The young Queen grinned at her stepdaughter believing she had won but Alicent's little stunt had not lasted long.

"Lord Cregan of House Stark, Lord of the North, Master of Winterfell, and his lady wife Princess Rhaella of House Targaryen!" The entire room went silent as the Princess and her husband walked in.

A dark almost black-red dress worn by the younger of the two sisters, Rhaella could not help but laugh at Alicent expression. Her eyes travel down the hall to her father who seemed shocked to see her. Rhaenyra was smiling as she stood.

"My apologies for my late arrival Sister! Good-brother" Rhaella spoke. "You must not apologize my dear sister!" Rhaenyra spoke standing as she made her way to her sister.

Everyone in the room sat quietly it had been 2 years since Princess Rhaella had run from the Keep. And now she is back and wed?

The sisters had hugged. Rhaella bowed to her sister before Rhaenyra guided the two to the main table where two more chairs were added for the pair.

"Let us continue this feast! Even more, now that my dear sister is here to accompany me in such a joyful moment in my life!" Rhaenyra shouted. Rhaella smiled as she raised her cup her eyes on Alicent who was visibly seething with rage. Rhaenyra gave Arkel a nod as the knight left the room making his way to the kitchen and letting them know to begin the distribution of food and wine to the people of Fleas Bottom.

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