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You Wake up in a strange room, White laminate flooring with a fancy red Rug, There are many Red armchairs, with an expensive looking coffee table in the midst of it all, there are wine glasses on the table, filled with some expensive high class beverage, you can assume this from the many shelves of bottles, likely all filled with varying alcoholic drinks.

You Wake up in a strange room, White laminate flooring with a fancy red Rug, There are many Red armchairs, with an expensive looking coffee table in the midst of it all, there are wine glasses on the table, filled with some expensive high class be...

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"Where... am i?... what happened?" You Ask, Confused and seemingly alone, until a voice calls out. deep and gravelly. 

"Theres no need to panic, Just take a deep breath. i'll explain everything regarding your death." you now realize, theres someone else in here with you, he's tall, wearing a black suit and a rather spiffing top-hat, but most notable of all... is his lack of skin, he's a walking, talking, living skeleton.

"My.. Death?! what do you mean my death?" You shout with a shaky voice, panicked and surprised, not taking the news well.

"Minutes ago, quite late at night. fires and smoke are what ended your life-" The Skeleton continues talking and likely rhyming.. but you space out.. your Dead... you don't even remember it happening.. you were sitting at your desk one moment.. and then your here..

you can hear the skeleton Clearing its non-existent Throat to try and get your attention.

"Your pale and Afraid, that i can see. do you remember the events before you met me?" ...damm he's good at this rhyming thing

"You mean... what happened before i died?.." The skeletons Nods. "N-No.... W-wait... i'm Not dead.. this must be a dream or something!.. theres.. no way i'm dead yeah" The Skeleton Sighs into his hand, looking at you like a dissapointed mother.

He walks over to you and pinches your arm, making you flinch in pain.

"Ow!. why did you do that?" You look at him with annoyance. "Within a dream, you can't feel pain. still think its a dream, should i pinch you again?" it takes a few seconds.. but then it clicks.. he's right, you can't feel pain in a dream.

Your not dreaming...

"Your life might be over, but all is not lost, i have an offer which will revitalize your corpse. not in the same place, or the same time. but the important thing, is that you'll be alive." Your skeptical.

"I... i can't trust you.. within like... 2 minutes you've told me i'm dead, pinched me, rambled in constant rhyme. and your NOW telling me theres apparently some offer that'll bring me back to life? who even are you anyway huh?!" 

"How rude of me, i tend to forget, i assumed you could probably guess, i'll tell you myself. in my location, you may call me Expiration." ...that one was a stretch for sure.

"Okay then.. Mr "Expiration". whats this offer and why should i trust you?" 

"I am your reaper, to guide you through death. i promise my intentions are only the best, my offer is simple. your own second life.. but with a lower chance to survive." ....

"you mean... i hit that button.. and you just.... bring me back? like with all my memories.. are you even allowed  to do that?" *he chuckles mirthfully*

"theres no time for questions, you have to decide. if you don't want to live, then just walk to my side. but if death scares you, and you miss the fresh air. just go hit that button, and i'll get out of your hair."

You sit silently.. confounded and confused... this has to be a trick.. theres no way.. but despite all this insanity.. 

you walk over to the button, and press it. "Now what?"

"just simply hold still, and don't make insistence, that you've found the key to eternal existence. you can't avoid danger, just go ahead and try! no matter your actions. Your still Gonna die."

**and with that... you black out..**


You sit up, coughing heavily. sitting in a large frosty clearing in a forest. its insanely dark, you notice a single lantern next to you, you take a deep breath and clutch your chest. inhaling sharply as a pain invades your lungs.. it hurts to breathe.. 

its Cold

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its Cold.. Snow covers everything as buildings loom above you, looking old and broken...

you really.. aren't having a good day...


"No Matter what happens, your still. gonna die" MD X Male Human Reader.Where stories live. Discover now