When do I start studying? And how much is enough?

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You have probably asked this question a lot. And been on the receiving end of nagging from both your teachers and parents saying you should start putting the work in. There is no easy answer to this, as everyone has different workloads inside and out of school. As an athlete and aspiring author, along with all my university applications, I certainly did not have much time during the majority of the year to study. 

In fact, I only had a few days to study for my derived/mock exams and I was stressing the heck out! I knew that all of the school's academic awards were based on these exams, so I needed to be almost perfect. 

So I studied all night and all day, and got perfect scores for all of my tests, including pesky English (as a writer, it feels weird to hate that subject). Hallelujah. 

Did I have you fooled? Of course I didn't study all night and all day! Remember, friends, sleep is just as important as reading and practicing exams. (So get off Wattpad at 2am in the morning!) I also did not get perfect scores. Those are reserved for robots, or the dux of my school who I suspect isn't really human anyway. 

So, when to start studying? You're going to hate me, but finding at least an hour a week throughout the year to practice external exams is the perfect way to set yourself up for success

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So, when to start studying? You're going to hate me, but finding at least an hour a week throughout the year to practice external exams is the perfect way to set yourself up for success. It's hard to find time when you are so busy, but just think of the stress you could save yourself at the end of the year when you get to your exam and realise that you don't have a clue how to answer anything. 

When it comes to the dreaded mock/derived grade exams, I wouldn't take these lightly. Many of my friends have refused to study for these because they 'aren't important'. A decision they come to regret when some rude sickness appears and swipes away their chance of doing the real exam.

So, my tip is to CRAM, CRAM, CRAM! Give yourself at least a week, I'd recommend two, to cover as much content as possible for the exams. Or, if you're going for a pass, make sure you understand all the basics until they drive you crazy. I cannot stress how important these mock/derived grade exams are for your learning, whether you need them for an actual grade or not. I can admit that I had to use them for my biology exam just the other day. Good thing I studied early so I got my favoured result!

Lastly, I recommend revising and practicing each subject at least two days before the actual exam, to ensure all the info is locked in your brain. Ignore its screams for help, trying to escape from the knowledge you are jam packing it with. Topped off with sleep so you can process what you have learnt, when it comes to sitting down in the exam, your ungrateful brain will finally be thanking you. 

The answer to how much is enough? is simple. Do you feel confident enough with the study you have done that you will sit down in your exam in a day or two and know how to answer the questions to get you the grade you desire? Only you know the answer to that question. If you're struggling to find ways to study, a future chapter will be able to help with that, so stay tuned. 

That's it from me! Here's a recap below. When do I start studying? And how much is enough?

A Recap:

-Study for external exams at least one hour a week throughout the year

-CRAM for mocks/derived grades in 1-2 weeks , so most of the information is already with you for the real exam

-Revise and practice each subject a day or two in advance to keep it locked in your memory

-Have fun! (Or as much fun teenagers can have studying.)

If you have any more tips on when to study, share them here! Afterall, everyone can have different experiences. 

Thank you so much for reading!

Bye bye!

Smash Ash :)

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