If that's the case, get ready to earn back what u lost in the same place Akshu....said Abhinav boosting up Akshara's moral support.


Abhimanyu is waiting for Abhir near his school, as today he really needed a strong support that will be none other than his junior. Not to disrupt Abhir's livelihood and mental state Abhimanyu decided to keep Abhir away from all this, well Akshara share the same thought as Abhimanyu.

Junior..... called Abhimanyu when he saw Abhir getting down the bus. Papaaa....calling Abhir ran to Abhimanyu and hugged him, which Abhimanyu reciprocated. Hello Uncle....greeted Dhruv and Abhimanyu reciprocated the greetings with an affectionate hug. 

Papa....why u came now? we will be meeting evening after school naa....asked Abhir. We will be meeting as per the daily routine junior, but today Papa is going for a fight and he is scared to loose.....said Abhimanyu. Don't be scared Papa...u will win....Abhir encouraged. 

Abhimanyu smiled at Abhir and they hear the school bell. Uncle we need to leave our assembly will start....said Dhruv. Abhir and Dhruv bid byes to Abhimanyu and rushed into their school. Abhimanyu watched until they disappear, and walked back to his bike, he was about to leave when he heard.....Papaaa....All the best, wished Abhir from the other end of the school gate.

Abhimanyu waved at Abhir and left from their to reach the court.


In the GH, Suhasini who is settled on the dining table opposite the other family members spoke....Manish we need to go to the court for Akshu. 

Haa...bade papa, we should support Akshu, we cannot let Abhimanyu snatch Abhir. And how dare that Abhimanyu to even file for custody, when he left Akshara, when she needed him the most....said Kairav.

Is it necessary? asked AG. When we came to know about this court case from Aarohi, we called Akshara to talk to her, but she just shunned us and asked us to not involve in any of her matters. Even after that u guys want to support her?.....questioned AG.

She is angry at us Akhilesh, we weren't there for her when she needed us and it is her anger towards us.....said Swarna.

Even after Swarna's words, AG is still not convinced, majorly because he was still salty towards Akshara when she let Vikram dominate and disrespect him.

It is decided that they gonna grace their presence at the court to support Akshara, well she already had her family for support. 


In Birla Hospital, Aarohi is in her cabin after the morning rounds, her entire mind is occupied with Akshara and she didn't knew why?

When Akshara was back after 7yrs, Aarohi was worried that she will loose her attention, however that didn't happen infact Akshara rarely interacted with her, infact the only conversation they had is when she apologized to her for Neil's accident. But she came to know things here and there from Ruhi who along with Neil used to visit Sharma's house. Ruhi used to tell her how Akshara used to treat them with snacks, milkshakes and fruits. How she used to listen to the kids when they just keep ranting, from Shivu she came to know how Akshara and Pari used to be the refree when ever the kids have a fight while playing. From their rants she came to know that Akshara share a very beautiful bond with the Sharma siblings. That realization brought a ache in her heart, which she brushed it off saying that it is good for her if Akshara stayed away from her. 

Bringing Aarohi out of her thoughts a nurse rushed.....Doctor...doctor....patient xxx is having seizures. Aarohi immediately rushed to attend the patient. 


In the court area, Manjari is walking tensed as, Abhimanyu has still not reached the court. She cannot contain her excitement to have her grandson. Harsh looked at her least interested. 

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