Chapter 1

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Abhinav is standing at the entrance of the ward and looking at the women whom he saved on an unusual encounter. Her face depicts her broken self. He doesn't know exactly what's the reason of her pain, but he definitely knew that the reason is the man with whom he just had a conversation whose name goes by Abhimanyu.

The doctor who treated Akshara had warned him about her mental state which can be deadly for her and her baby. He doesn't know what to do, how to handle the situation mostly how to handle her.... at that point of time he remembered only one person who is always his solace. He immediately took out his mobile and speed dialed a number. On receiving response from the other side he said..... Maa I need ur help.


Aarohi walked into her room after her visit to hospital. She looked around her room, every corner of the room is echoing with Neil's laughter and voice. Her eyes landed on Neil's photo frame on side table...she walked towards it and took it into her shivering hands. She sat on the floor with her back supported by the bed. 

She kept on staring into his eyes and all her interactions with him flashed in front of her, and tears spilled from her eyes even without her knowledge. She just hugged his photo to her heart and cried....I'm sorry Neil, I'm sorry I couldn't cherish u and ur love. I manipulated the situations and entered into ur life with only one intention to enjoy Birla's fame. I even deceived u into signing a prenup, despite all that u still loved me. Even then I didn't mend my ways I instigated u against ur family, played with ur feelings, deceived u with my false pregnancy and made fun of ur fatherhood. Even after all my wrong doings, even if ur angry with me u still stood by me. And today when we are going to enter into a new phase i.e parenthood ur sleeping in hospital bed response less. 

She held onto the photo tightly... don't leave Neil, please don't, ur chipkali needs u chamgadar. U should enjoy ur fatherhood which u dreamed. Ur child and ur wife will be waiting for u chamgadar saying so Aarohi caressed her womb with one hand holding Neil close to her heart.

Aarohi had a ground breaking realization of what she was on verge of losing on witnessing Neil in comatose state, and this fear brought back the love she had for Neil which was snubbed by her ambition, ego, jealously and insecurities. This situation matured her overnight where her love, desire and need for Neil is more than her jealously and hate for Akshara.


Abhimanyu had cornered himself in his room. His is in pain an unbearable pain. His brother, his Neil is lying on hospital bed as a living corpse, his kids are no more and he was alone. He never expected that after his return from his trip he will be welcomed with the news of his brother's accident, miscarriage of his babies and top of everything his wife being responsible for both mishaps.  

When he reached home from his outstation work he witnessed his mother and rest of the family members crying, on inquiring his mother he came to know that Neil and Akshara had gone out and on attack by goons his brother was heavily injured. He immediately rushed to hospital only to witness Neil in very critical condition. He couldn't forget the moment when Neil slipped into coma while holding his hand.

On breaking the news of Neil's condition all are devastated and hell break loose when his maa accused Akshara for Neil's condition and death of his babies. He was informed that Akshara took Neil to concert, disaster followed on. He lost his cool on Akshara for breaking her promise and on witnessing his mother's devastation and his pain of loosing his babies, his sense of rationality and judgement clouded and vent his anger on Akshara with all the bitter words and holding her responsible for all the deaths which he never witnessed Akshara's involvement not even bothering about the impact of his words on a shattered soul and in fit of rage he asked her for divorce.

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