Chapter 10

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Leap of 4 yrs... it fast, we have to leave our school bus will arrive in any moment...said an all set Dhruv who is waiting for Abhir. Today is the start of their new academic year...Dhruv is in his 3rd standard while Abhir in upper kindergarten. Dhruv who is running out of patience is about to give another call to Abhir...stopped at the scenario that greeted him....

Mamma...I'm leaving to school and I'll be back by 1pm. And I'm telling u clearly....I shouldn't come across a single bruise on u and haa no girna phirna...said Abhir to Akshara. Abhir's this concern always reminded her of her Abhi. No matter how hard Akshara tried to move on and forget her love....Abhir being the photocopy of his father in many ways never let her forget him. Akshara shook her head to dismiss Abhimanyu's thoughts focused on arranging her son's school bag....and Abhir continued with his rants...

The Sharma's who are watching the mother and son interaction...chuckled at Akshara's sulking face on receiving do's and don'ts from her 5yr old son. The relation between this mother and son duo is quite unique....they sometimes behave as friends, sometimes as parent and child, sometimes as enemies, sometimes as naughty pranksters but what emotion they constantly share is love, concern, affection etc...

Since ur done...can I speak now? asked Akshara. Abhir nodded her to continue... Bhir stranger danger always remember it...make fights....ok....however Akshara who is walking ahead talking to her son bumped to the shoe rack and hissed in pain. Girijaaa....saying Abhir slapped his forehead looking at his clumsy mother who just injured herself even after his warnings. Akshara looked at Abhir in shock hearing the word girija..from his mouth. She came back from her thoughts when Abhir started rubbing his palms on her injured leg. Akshara smiled at him sheepishly...but only to be glared by her son. Sharma's chuckled looking at them as another round of lecture started by Abhir.

Who is mother and who is the child? asked Kabir looking at a lecturing Abhir and pouting Akshara. Bhir...stop naa....u are scolding me as if hurting myself is my daily routine whined Akshara.

Seriously bua.....the no of times u fell in a week is almost equal to the no of times Nandu (Nandana Sharma - Vikram and Pari's 2 yr old daughter) fell from the day of her birth to till date....countered Dhruv.

Akshara moved next to Dhruv and said...Dhruv ur supposed to be my team....Na na naaa...when it comes to ur safety I'm team Bhir....said Dhruv pissing of Akshara. All chuckled at them.

Bhir...let's go said Dhruv....Haa bhai lets go said Abhir...not before reminding Akshara her dont's. Once Dhruv and Abhir left to their school...the Sharma's left to their respective works. Vikram and Pari made an work arrangement so that atleast one would be at home taking care of their daughter.


A little girl barged into Abhimanyu's room screaming....Poppy.... poppy...poppyyyyy wake up and jumped on Abhimanyu's bed. Abhimanyu groaned....he picked the photo frame on his night stand and opened his eyes looked at it and greeted.... Good morning Akshu and then turned to the little girl and picked her in his arms and greeted....Good morning Ru...

Good morning poppyyy...get ready calling u for breakfast...saying Ruhi got down from Abhimanyu's arms and went to the photo frame and greeted Good morning.... nightingale and rushed out of the room not before asking Abhimanyu to make it fast.

Abhimanyu chuckled at the little sunshine....he turned towards the wall where he had hung a huge's been 5yrs Akshu...I know I'm at fault...I know I hurt u immensely...U have all rights to be angry at me...u can hit me, punch me....but please come back Akshu....ur Abhi is nothing without u baba....just a glimpse Akshu.... I'm ready to grovel at ur feet Akshu...just come back...come back to ur Abhi....saying he rested his forehead on the frame...

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