Chapter 9:Nostalgic

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As Kai walked away from the mysterious spot, the remnants of the vanished tent lingered in her thoughts like a puzzle with missing pieces. The fading light of the day cast long shadows, amplifying the uncertainty that clouded her journey. Despite the frustration of the inexplicable encounter, a subdued smile played on her lips-a blend of irony and acceptance, emblematic of the bizarre nature of her new existence.

"Fuck... I knew this new life was weird," Kai muttered under her breath, her voice carrying a mix of exasperation and amusement.

waking up in an unknown world where gods exist, weird potions bestow power, and, of course, a system. But I didn't anticipate something this bizarre happening right before my eyes again,""I feel like every day something inexplicable will unfold," Kai reflected, her gaze lingering on the spot where the mysterious tent once stood. The cake and newspaper by her side served as tangible remnants of an encounter beyond the realms of reason.

Continuing, Kai contemplated . She cast a contemplative glance at the vanished tent and the cake and newspaper beside her, wondering if the person she encountered was a fellow Beyonder.

Recalling the mysterious disappearance of the tent with the gust of wind, Kai considered the possibility. "There's some likelihood," she mumbled, her thoughts weaving through the strange occurrences. "But the woman said my future is Temperance." Kai touched her chin, deeply immersed in thought.

Shaking her head, Kai dismissed the idea. "No, maybe the woman is lying. She looked shady after all," she mumbled, questioning the authenticity of the tarot reading.

As Kai sighed, her gaze shifted to the bench where she sat and then to the newspaper on her side. A subtle smile crossed her face as she connected the dots. "Newspaper and tarot cards have the same pronunciation on Earth," she realized. "It's not a mere coincidence. At first, I thought it was just a fluke when I heard the word 'newspaper,' but seeing the tarot cards and the pronunciation, there's a possibility that someone else transmigrated like me and created both the newspaper and tarot cards."

However, Kai's smile faded, replaced by a pensive expression. "But are they still alive?" she wondered aloud. Considering the timing of her own transmigration, she speculated about the fate of those who might have arrived in the earlier eras.

Sighing at the perplexities of her newfound existence, Kai observed the vibrant street. The hustle and bustle persisted - people toiled and hurried about, children both played and worked in the same breath. A gentle wind swept through, coaxing strands of Kai's hair to dance as she sat on the bench, lost in a moment of silent reflection.

With a final sigh, Kai made the decision to press forward. Gathering the cake and newspaper, she gazed up at the darkening sky. "I should probably make my way now," she murmured.

With determined steps, Kai began her journey, retracing her path back to the holy church.As Kai retraced her steps back to the holy church, the night had fully embraced the surroundings, the moon casting its silvery glow over the silent corridors.

Each step she took echoed through the stillness, the subdued sounds barely disturbing the tranquility of the night.As Kai treaded softly towards her room, a voice, as delicate as a whisper, cut through the silence.

"Oh, you already return. Did you enjoy your trip?" The words hung in the air, and Kai's heart skipped a beat. She turned slowly, and there she was - Arianna, with a calm face that seemed to hold secrets beneath its surface.

"Miss Arianna?" Kai questioned, her voice a mix of surprise and relief. She hadn't expected to encounter her at this hour.

Arianna's gaze met Kai's, and with a nod, she acknowledged her return. "Yes, Miss Kai, I trust your journey was enjoyable?" Her eyes seemed to penetrate, as if searching for something beyond Kai's words.

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