Prologue: Waking up

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In the dimly lit room, a young woman lay in a coffin-like slumber, her age appearing to be around twenty or twenty-one. Her long, raven-black hair cascaded in disarray beneath her pale, lifeless form, arranged in a strangely serene manner. Despite the plain white dress she wore, her face possessed an ethereal beauty, her features delicate and exquisite. However, a painful expression marred her otherwise captivating visage. It was as if a haunting sorrow had etched itself into her very soul, leaving a melancholic imprint that no one could overlook.

The curtains rustled as the wind breezed through, creating an eerie sound that added to the room's unsettling atmosphere. As the woman stirred, she inhaled deeply, the effort causing her breath to come out in ragged gasps.

"Hah..." She began to speak, her voice hoarse and unfamiliar to her own ears. With a shaky hand, she pressed against her chest, seeking solace and comfort, her palm damp with sweat, as though she had just escaped a nightmare. The fear and uncertainty were palpable in her trembling fingers as she clutched at her own flesh.

Her eyes darted around the unfamiliar surroundings as she realized something was gravely amiss. "I... I didn't die?" Her voice wavered as confusion and disbelief clouded her thoughts. "Where is this? A hospital or a church?" Her words trailed off, and she realized the disconcerting difference in the tone of her voice. It was a sound that sent shivers down her spine, a voice that felt as though it belonged to someone else entirely.

Before she could finish her thought, a harsh cough interrupted her, forcing her to acknowledge the strange transformation she had undergone. A sense of dread began to creep over her, and the sudden realization that she was not who she once was weighed heavily on her.

She looked down and noticed it—the white coffin she lay within. Panic surged through her as she pressed her hands against the smooth, cold surface, feeling the edges of her confinement. "What...?"

Her eyes darted around, taking in her surroundings. The room was unfamiliar, filled with rows of mysterious books and delicate white flowers strewn about the coffin. The woman was at a loss for words as she comprehended that she had been transported to an unknown place, one that defied all reason and logic. The shock and confusion etched on her face was palpable, and her eyes scanned the room, searching for answers.

"Where am I?" Her voice quivered with a mix of fear, astonishment, and disbelief. Every detail in the room seemed to conspire to deepen the enigma that had enveloped her, leaving her in a state of bewilderment that felt almost otherworldly. The oppressive scent of the white lilies that surrounded her added to the surreal atmosphere, their fragrance mingling with her growing sense of unease.

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