Chapter 2:God plan?

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As Kai and Arianna ventured further into the unknown world, Kai's thoughts whirled like a tempest. Did gods truly exist in this realm? She had not been a devout believer in her past life, but there was a deep-seated respect for the divine, and she couldn't help but wonder if such beings existed here. Waking up in a coffin and finding herself in a new world with gods seemed like something out of a dream. But as she gazed up at the crimson moon, she knew this was all too real, and the possibility of encountering deities was becoming increasingly plausible.

Kai sighed softly and turned to Arianna, her mind racing with questions, determined to find answers to the enigma that surrounded her. The only way, it seemed, was to turn to the Evernight Goddess. But would the goddess even heed her pleas? Her past skepticism about the existence of gods was giving way to a newfound sense of wonder and apprehension.

Kai continued to ponder these questions, her thoughts spiraling in all directions, until Arianna's calm voice interrupted her reverie. "We should probably go inside. It's getting darker."

Kai snapped out of her thoughts and nodded in agreement, following Arianna into the church. The church's interior offered a sense of familiarity, reminiscent of the places of worship from her previous life, but the presence of the Evernight Goddess's symbol left her in no doubt that she was in a different world.

The interior was empty, not surprising considering the lateness of the hour. Their footsteps echoed through the silent sanctuary as they made their way deeper into the church, a place that seemed to bridge the gap between the mundane and the divine.

Kai's eyes scanned the church's interior, its architecture resembling the churches she remembered from her past life. However, there was one noticeable difference – a symbol that caught her eye. "Isn't that the Evernight Goddess's symbol?" she wondered silently, recognizing the motif that had become a recurring theme in her strange journey.

Arianna opened a door and gestured for Kai to enter the room. Kai complied without a word. The room was modest, with a small bed, chairs, a table, and an oil lamp, along with a few books. Kai stood for a moment, contemplating her next move, while Arianna took a seat.

Arianna then motioned for Kai to join her. "Take a seat," she said, her tone calm and welcoming.

"I'll answer what I can"

Kai complied, sinking into a chair, her mind filled with questions. She took a deep breath and looked at Arianna, her lips parting as if to speak, but she hesitated.

She wasn't sure where to start. She wanted to know why she had transmigrated and the reason behind the strange circumstances of her arrival. But she was cautious, aware that nothing came without a price, even in this new world.

Arianna remained calm, her gaze steady on Kai, recognizing the depths of her thoughts. In Arianna's mind, she had received an oracle from the Evernight Goddess, indicating that she should assist this person. She didn't question the goddess's decision, nor did she doubt that Kai might be chosen by the goddess for a special purpose.

Kai finally broke the silence, her voice laced with curiosity. "What year is it right now?"

Arianna calmly replied, "April 17, 1349."

Kai couldn't help but sigh at the realization. "1349... Hah."

She looked at Arianna, her gratitude for the help she had received evident in her eyes, but she still harbored doubts, which compelled her to ask, "Why are you helping me?"

Kai's mind was filled with a whirlwind of thoughts. She knew that nothing came for free, even in this new world, and she couldn't shake her unease about the owner of this body whose memories she seemed to have taken. The absence of her predecessor's memories puzzled her.

Arianna met Kai's gaze and replied with unwavering calm, "The goddess gave me an oracle or an order to help you."

As Kai absorbed this revelation, her mind raced with possibilities. Did the Evernight Goddess know why she had transmigrated? Was there a deeper purpose behind her presence in this strange world? The uncertainty gnawed at her, and she couldn't help but ponder the mysterious forces that seemed to have brought her here, the answers still eluding her grasp, and her quest for understanding far from over.

"Is there another intention behind my transmigration, or was this all part of a larger plan?" The enigmatic nature of her circumstances left her with a nagging sense of uncertainty, a puzzle with missing pieces that eluded her understanding.

Kai considered that gathering information about this world might offer some clues to her situation. The fact that the real owner of this body had no memories other than their name made her task even more challenging. She turned to Arianna and asked, "Can you perhaps give me some books to read?"

Arianna regarded Kai for a moment before agreeing to her request. "Okay, I will gather some books for you to read." Her willingness to assist Kai in her quest for understanding was a welcome sign of cooperation in this bewildering world.

Kai nodded in response. Despite the memory loss of the real body's previous owner, her ability to communicate and understand Arianna's words from earlier indicated that common sense had not deserted her, giving her a glimmer of hope amid the uncertainty.

Arianna stood up and suggested, "You should probably get some rest. I will give you the books tomorrow and some clothes."

Kai expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you." The offer of books and clothes was a small but significant comfort in this unfamiliar world.

Arianna nodded and left the room, her graceful exit contrasting with the chaos that had entered Kai's life. As she exited, a gust of wind rustled the curtains in the room, creating an eerie ambiance that seemed to echo the uncanny circumstances of her situation.

Kai stood up, approached the window, and looked out at the crimson moon, its red light casting an eerie glow. It was a constant presence in this world, a celestial body that defied the norms of her past life.

She contemplated the whirlwind of events that had unfolded over the past hours. "So much has happened. If a regular person experienced this, they might find it difficult to accept. But I'm different," Kai mumbled, a hint of self-amusement in her voice, a testament to her resilience in the face of the extraordinary.

While examining her reflection in the window, Kai couldn't help but sigh. "I still haven't gotten used to this face." Her long, black hair cascaded down, and she took a moment to adjust it, her reflection offering a fleeting connection to her past self. But then, her fingers brushed something unfamiliar on the back of her neck, and she froze.

"What? Why is there a red diamond shape on the back of my neck? What the heck?" she murmured to herself, her curiosity tinged with unease. She looked at her reflection in the window and double-checked the mark, unable to fathom its significance.

Her curiosity got the best of her, and she cautiously reached for the red diamond on the back of her neck. However, the moment her fingers made contact, a sudden, searing headache erupted in her mind, a torrent of agony that threatened to consume her.

"Ahh! Ahh!" Kai grimaced, gritting her teeth to suppress the pain. Her legs gave way beneath her, and she fell to the floor, clutching her forehead as sweat formed on her brow. The agony was unbearable, and she feared she might lose consciousness in the throes of this unexpected torment.

The world around her blurred and wavered, leaving her in a state of intense suffering, unable to comprehend the experience or its meaning. She was adrift in a sea of agony, struggling to find a lifeline in the unfathomable depths of her new reality.

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