After The Party.

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After the incident this morning I immediately after saying that if anything was wrong that I would call him and other unnecessary things.
When I got home I immediately felt sick and rushed to the toilet.
After throwing up for about a half an hour I thought enough was enough and went to the doctors office.
Once I got into my car I got a text from Pete asking if I was alright and if the pain and throwing up subsided.
I immediately sent back saying that it hadn't
Once I got to the doctors office I had to fill out papers and then I got sent into a room and had to wait for like 20 minutes until the doctor came in
"Let me take some blood tests and then we will be able to determine what is wrong with you." the doctor said.
After taking the tests I was alone again.
When the doctor returned I found out I was...
i'm sorry
-anonymous (fronkeh)

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