Lord Help The Mister With Two Sisters

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You pulled the loose thread in your shirts sleeve while your father sat next to you. He had agreed to watch a cartoon with you since it was a Saturday and neither of you were busy. He liked spending time with his only child.

And you liked spending time with him.

It was only the two of you since your mom left right after you were born. But it never bothered you. And you never really felt like you wanted siblings. You had your friends and that was always enough for you.

But that Saturday, everything changed.

Ding Dong!

You looked away from the box TV set while your father smiled. He stood up and looked down at you.

Dad: There she is.

You looked at him confused.

Y/N: There who is, dad?

Your dad looked at you.

Dad: My....friend. She decided to come and visit. She brought her daughters, too.

Dad's friend? So she must be nice. Then again, a 5 year old was hardly a good judge of character when it came to strangers. Especially you.

So you sat in the couch and waited while your dad opened the front door. You heard him talk to someone before three more people walked in.

Dad: Y/N. Come here for a sec.

You paused the TV and got off the couch. You walked towards the entrance of the house only to find a woman standing there. She looked to be about your dad's age.

But what really caught your eye was the two girls she had with her. One looked older than you, probably 2 or so years older, while the other looked to be a year or 2 younger.

Dad: Y/N, this is Maria. And these are her two girls. Katy and Sis Keene.

You looked at the two girls again.


Yep. These two are the girls who would soon become my sisters. And Katy? Well, she became a Riverdale Mystery in her own right.

Riverdale. Population, not many. What do people say about small towns?

Sabrina: Everybody knows everybody.

Right. Everybody knows everybody. Everybody knows each other's business, family history, your allergies, a variety of things you would sometimes rather not know.

All this information is either staggeringly annoying or quiant on any given day.

Sabrina: Tell me about it.


Present Day....

You sat at the table with a fresh cup of coffee in front of you. You held it with your hand that was now missing a ring finger after your.....late night swim in the freezing cold waters. Thankfully it was healed enough to at least get the bandages off.


Oh yeah. And I was almost convicted for first degree murder. So, there's that.


You just sat there in silence while the clock on the wall ticked. It was kinda loud. Across the table sat your two sisters. Katy and Sis. Sis was tapping her fingers on the table while Katy sat there awkwardly.

Yeah, talk about a strange situation.

Katy: So....

Sis: What happened to your finger?

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