Chapter 23: An Up & Down Day!

Start from the beginning

Logan: Ready?

Logan asked snapping her out of her thoughts, neither of them want to be told their the reason they still aren't pregnant yet, even their friends know it doesn't usually take this long, especially with them both in as great physical condition as they are, not to mention Ashley made sure to mark her most opportune moments on her calendar, with all of that on their minds though, Ashley still managed to send the love of her life a small smile...

 They made sure to get coffee this morning, never go a day without caffeine in their line of work, it's a dream savour for them, but when she nodded to him, putting her cup in the holder, Logan started the car, back out the drive way and took her ...

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... They made sure to get coffee this morning, never go a day without caffeine in their line of work, it's a dream savour for them, but when she nodded to him, putting her cup in the holder, Logan started the car, back out the drive way and took her hand in his, only letting go on the way to change gears which wasn't too often thanks to the traffic, it's not usually this bad in Charlotte but it seemed like today is just going to be one of those days for them.

Ashley: It's like they know we're freaking out.

Logan chuckled to her as he kissed the back of her hand, no one is hating this moment more then Ashley, she's wanted to be a mother for a while now, Logan freaking out about it a few weeks back scared her, she did think for a second that she'd never be a mother, but then his sister Amanda talked some sense into him and then Logan found peace with his father, now they talk to each other nearly every other day.

Logan: I just feels like it's taking longer. Try to relax.

Ashley did as she let out a soft sigh, Logan tried to do everything he can from little kisses to the back of her to his thumb gently rubbing over where he'd leave a kiss, either way, she loved that he's in for this as much as she is now, not that he never was but then he freaked out, but now, he's 100% in and together they will have a family.

Ashley: Okay, let's do this.

Logan smiled as they got out the now parked car and walked into the building, it's the longest walk they've ever taken, well, for Logan it is, Ashley still thinks that the walk down the aisle towards him was longer, you'd think after the first 2 she'd be confident about getting married but deep down she knew that Logan was going to be the last one, lucky number three, the third time lucky.

Doctor: Mr and Mrs Kenway.

Logan got used to her using his name more and more recently, she's pissed at her dad for keeping going back to Wrestling, she hates the idea of him getting hurt but he doesn't seem to care, she's also a little pissed at the wrestling promotion, AEW, All Elite Wrestling for aiding her dad in this pursuit.

That was a different story though, right now she was so scared to go in there, she just stared at the doctor till Logan snapped her out of it by holding his hand out to her, she looked up to see him already standing there, with that smile on his face, she can tell he's worried as well but she loves the face he's trying to hide it to make her happy, in the end, she took his hand, stood up and hugged his arm as best she could, if they get into this room and the Doctor tells them that nothing wrong and they worried about all this for nothing, she's going to be pissed, overwhelmed with joy but also pissed for making them freak out like this.

Doctor: Okay, so you want to know why your not pregnant yet?

The Doctor asked while looking through the file she has on them, she's not their usual doctor, their usual Doctor is actually moving his practice to Miami to be closure to his daughter and grandson, sure it's not Orlando but it's not all too far, so their going to be sticking with him, they are still hoping they can get some insight into what's going on here with the,

Doctor: ... Honestly, it's not good news...

The Doctor looked to Ashley when she said that making her heart drop, Logan did his best and held her hand but he can only do so much, this isn't what Ashley wanted to hear, she wanted to be told that they'd be able to have a happy family, sure they can adopt but that's not the same as actually having your own child, so before Ashley let the waterworks flow, Logan pulled her into a side hug, sure the Doctor didn't say it was her fault but she looked to her when she said what she did, making it pretty clear.

Doctor: ... It's a case we've never seen before. Your eggs are perfectly health and your womb is in top condition, but, well... to put it bluntly, his sperm can't find your eggs. Their in there, but they're hiding.

Logan was a little confused, does that actually mean it's his fault or her's, either way for Ashley it didn't matter, it still meant the same result, their not able to have a kid of their own, that's all that matters to her right now, it's irrelevant who's fault it is, also if they find out who's fault it actually is, that could drive a wedge between them and that's not what she wants to happen.

 Ashley: So what now? Is there anything we can do?

Ashley asked while wiping away her stray tears, Logan's hand quickly took her's again though once she had, she's not sure if that's for her sake or his, Logan wouldn't show it because he always tries to be the strong one, but really he's hurting inside, that horrible aching feeling you get in your gut, he's feeling that, he's not sure if it's heartbreak or what but he's just as upset about this as his wife is.

Doctor: Actually, there is one thing I think you can both benefit from. You of course have adoption but if I can, I would like to run something by the both of you first before you make any decisions...

Ashley nor Logan expected to hear that but they shared a look and it wouldn't hurt to hear her out, honestly their already thinking about adoption options and they aren't even out of the room yet, so once Logan gave his small nod, Ashley gave a bigger nod to the Doctor making her smile with a releaved look on her face.

Doctor: ... Great, this is of course something that your regular Doctor can sort out for you, but it's a relatively new procedure, well, it's more unknown then new but it's called Vitro Fertilization...

This filled them both with a little bit of hope as they looked to each other again while the Doctor went over to her personal bag and pulled out what looked like another file, only this one is much thinner then the one she was reading about them, which was saying a lot because their file only had a small amount inside it, but it was Logan that took the file when she handed it too them, Ashley peaking over his shoulder.

Doctor: ... Basically they'll take your working eggs, combine them with your working sperm and put it back where they got your egg from, so where you two are having issue's with them finding each other. I think this is exactly what you both need.

Logan and Ashley couldn't help the smiles on their faces, because it's not like their stuff is faulty or doesn't work, they just can't find each other, this way they will be introduced and they won't be able to miss each other, also Ashley will be able to grow the baby herself, sure that's not all that matters but to most women, that's the most magical part of having a baby, a magical part neither of them want to miss out on.

Logan: I honestly don't know what to say.

Neither did Ashley as they both just looked to each other, happy tears now replaced the sad ones for Ashley while she could see Logan brewing his own happy one's, they are so happy right now they just needed to share a quick kiss, they will finally have a baby and they don't need to be worried about "if they?" or "won't they?" questions running through their minds anymore.

Doctor: It's this sort of moment where I love my job.

They both chuckled to her as she smiled to the now happy couple, Ashley and Logan went into the room feeling nothing but dread and panic, that only increased when she said that she doesn't have good news, now they have this golden ticket in their hands, something they never even knew existed till right now and they love every second of it...


{To Be Continued!}

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