What happened to Rain 🤔🤔🤔

En başından başla

Payu : Oh my sweetie...
Why the hell are you thinking non sense now...???

Rain : We are so young...
It's obvious that you will not want this baby na phi...

At last you will leave me 😭

Payu : Baby please stop crying and listen to me...

I love you baby...

I will never leave you...
You're my life and my heart beat...

How can I leave you my sweetie...???

Rain : What if my parents get to know this and gets angry and take me away from you...???😭

Payu : No one in this world has rights to take you away from me understand ???

Rain : Are you okay with me being pregnant with your baby phi 🥺

Payu : Yes my sweetheart...
Am so happy...

Am feeling like the happiest person in the world...

Rain : It's my fault that on the night I told you to make love with me without condoms

Will you hate me for that phi...???

Payu : No my cutie pie...
It was the best decision so we are able to get this best gift of our life...

Rain : Ha phi...

Payu : Am sorry that I didn't understand when you were missing me so much from past week because of your moods swings and even I left you and went to my native for 2 days...

Am really sorry my baby...

Payu then hugs Rain again...

And kisses on his forehead....

Then he touches Rain's belly...

Payu : Baby... I really can't believe that our blood is growing inside this small tummy...

I don't how to express how am feeling right now 🥹🥹🥹

Then Payu kisses on Rain's belly...

Payu : Hello my little heart beat...
It's me your dad...

Your Papa is so tensed but don't worry I will not leave you both alone...

You both are mine and I love you both so so much...

I will take care of your Papa and you so well okay...

Rain feels so happy and relieved now...

Rain : I love you so much phi...

Payu : I love you too my baby...

They both kiss each other again...

Payu : Baby... Fah is outside and he is so tensed wait let me call him inside...

Payu goes and calls Fah inside...

Fah runs to Rain...

Fah : What happened baby...???
Why are you crying...???

Why there is tears in phi's eyes as well...???

Tell me please am getting so tensed...

Rain : Fah...
Please don't freak out...
Just listen to me...

"Am pregnant" !!!

Listening to this Fah was about to faint now...

Fah : What...???😳

Rain : Yes Fah...
Am pregnant with Phi's baby...

Fah : Omg.... Baby....
What the hell..??? You both made me uncle so soon...

Fah goes close to Rain's ears and whispers...

Fah : Bustard you lost your virginity a month ago right..???

And so soon you're giving me good news...

You both are literally another level...

Rain : Shut up Fah...

Payu : Fah what are you whispering to him...???

Fah : Nothing it's our personal talks...

Payu : Don't trouble my baby...

Fah : Oh oh... now your telling am troubling him...

You both are giving me shock of my life and blaming on me now...

Rain : Fah....

Fah : Ha cutie...

Rain : Are you angry on us...???

Fah : Why will I be angry idiot...???
Am so damn happy....

I never expected I will to be an uncle so soon in my life...

Omg.... I want to kiss you both...

Fah hugs Payu and kisses him on his cheeks and then he hugs Rain and kisses him on his cheeks as well...

Soon they call their parents and in sometime Payu and Fah's parents come there...

They also react the same way as Fah and literally whole family were so happy about the big news...

Payu's mom was so happy that she keeps on showering Rain with her sweet kisses on his forehead...

Rain : Uncle... auntie...
Are you really okay with me being pregnant so soon...???

Payu's dad : Oh Rain baby...
It's our blessings...

You're our family's blessings you know that...

Payu's mom : Now see how we are going to spoil you with our love...

We are so so so happy cutie pie....

Rain : Phi...
Yes baby...

Rain : I should inform my parents...

Payu : Yes sure sweetie will call them right away...

Rain : Am scared that they will take me away from you 🥺

Note : What will be Rain's parents reaction..??? 🤔🤔🤔

Finally our baby Rain is pregnant !!!

End of the chapter 🤗🤗🤗

Love you all 😘😘😘

Today I will try to reply all your comments..

There are more than 300 comments including both the stories so it will take some time for me to reply all your comments.. Hope you all don't mind ❤️

Extra : Don't forget to read my another on going story

      "Fell in love with my stalker"
(It's getting very good response !!! )

      "Fell in love with my stalker" (It's getting very good response !!! )

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