First kiss...!! No its second kiss 😍

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Rain goes to his condo...

He tries a lot to think what happened after he got drunk but nothing was coming up in his head...

His head was already spinning so he goes to take rest...

Next day at Uni...

Rain and Fah were in cafeteria

Fah was as usual feeding Rain something as
Rain was busy scrolling his mobile...

Payu comes inside the cafeteria...

His eyes first spots his baby...

Payu directly goes and sits in front of Rain...

Fah : Wow phi...
What a surprise...???

You came and sat with us...!!!
The most popular guy is sitting in our table today...

Payu : Shut up Fah...
Why shouldn't I sit with my brother and his friend...???

Rain shyly says....

Rain : Yes you can sit phi...

Fah continues feeding Rain...

Payu : Fah doesn't he have hands or what...
Why are you feeding him...???

Rain : Stop it Fah...
I wil have myself...

Fah : Rain is my baby...
I will only feed him...

Payu : Better adopt him na...

Rain : Fah stop it already na....

Rain takes the spoon and starts to eat by himself

(Actually Payu was feeling to feed his baby...
He wanted to adore and spoil him...
And he thinks...
Just a little more baby...
I will adore and spoil you like anything)

As they were eating...

Fah : Rain...
You come with me today...
We have to complete the assignment na....

Rain : Oh yeah I forgot...
Let's go to your home then...

Payu was so excited that Rain will coming to their home...

After the class both Fah and Rain go to Fah's home...

Payu finishes his class and doesn't go anywhere but straight to home...

Rain and Fah finishes their assignments and comes out from room to dinner...

Payu was already on dinner table waiting for his baby...

They all start eating and Payu was just so happy looking at his baby...

Rain was so shy...

This time Rain starts to notice that Payu was looking at him...

He doesn't understand why Payu is looking at him like that...

After having dinner Rain goes to kitchen and was washing his plate...

Payu finishes his dinner and goes to kitchen...

Soon as Payu enters the kitchen Rain finishes washing the plate and turns around to bum into Payu...

Payu knowingly holds on Rain's waist...

He gets close to Rain face...

Payu : Are you alright cutie...???

Rain was stunned...😳

Rain : I... I...
I am alright phi....

Rain cheeks get so red and his heart was thumping...

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