Payu's first day at Uni

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Two days after Payu had arrived...

Fah as usual goes and picks Rain from his condo and they both goes to Uni...

Fah : Rain baby today my phi is getting admitted in our college..

He might come to Uni in some time...

Listening this don't know why somewhere in the corner of his heart Rain feels so excited..

Rain : Oh okay...

As they were speaking a luxury cars parks in front of them and Payu gets down from the car...

As they were speaking a luxury cars parks in front of them and Payu gets down from the car

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Payu had a serious face but god he was looking beyond gorgeous and handsome...

Soon as he got down from the car all the eyes in the Uni fell on him...

Rain was no less...

Never in his life he had seen someone this gorgeous and handsome at the same time

He was keeping on looking at Payu...

Payu walks close to place where Rain and Fah was sitting...

Rain heart was excited to see Payu coming close to them...

Payu : Fah...

Fah : Yes phi...

Payu : Take me to the business major department...

Fah : Sure phi...

Rain was right next to Fah but Payu doesn't even look at him...

Fah : Baby come will go show phi the business major department and come back...

Rain nodes his head and they go together...

As they were walking all the girls and guys starts drooling over Payu...

But Payu doesn't even look at them...

Rain : Fah...
Your brother is already popular just in minutes...

Fah : Told you na
My phi is so handsome and gorgeous where ever he goes people stare at him like this...

But no use of drooling over him...
I don't think he will be ever interested on people like this...

They reach business major dept building...

Fah : Phi this is the business major building...

Payu : Hmm okay...
Bye now...

Fah : Only bye ah...???

Payu : Then what you want....???

Fah : I and Rain want ice cream...

Payu takes his wallet and gives him some cash...

Fah : Nah...
Actually me and Rain don't have class as of now so you go finish your work

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