Payu's pov ❤️❤️❤️

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2 years ago...

It was Payu's summer holidays so he had come home...

Payu's mom tells that Fah is having a friend  Rain and he is a very cute and a shy boy....

Payu was in his bedroom and he hears some noise so he comes out to the balcony when he sees Fah and Rain planting some plants in the garden..

Payu was not able to see Rain's face but he was so curious and wanted to see him..

Finally after about 5 minutes Rain turns his face towards the side where Payu was standing

Payu heart skipped a beat for the cute boy...
He really liked a cute boy so much at the moment he saw him...

But at that time Payu didn't take anything seriously and goes back to aboard to continue his studies...

After a year he again comes back home for his holidays and again saw Rain with Fah

This time he was quite confused and confirms with his mom that Fah and Rain are friends or lovers...

His mom says that Rain parents stay in abroad and he is very soft and shy guy so Fah always be next to him and takes care of him

They are just close friends nothing more than that...

After this Payu really didn't have his mind to go back to abroad to continue his studies but he was in middle of his semester so he didn't have any option than to go back...

He waits eagerly to complete that year studies and finally gets a transfer and returns to Thailand permanently...

At airport when Payu came....

Payu was not knowing that Rain will also come to pick him up...

But when he saw Rain that too with a shy and cute face...
Payu had thousands of butterflies dancing in his tummy...

But he didn't show anything in front of Fah or Rain and acts as if he didn't even notice Rain...

Even in the car when Rain was speaking to Fah...

Payu looked at Rain from the mirror and just fell for the cute boy...

Even while taking the luggage out of the car
Payu wanted to help Rain but Fah goes and helps him so he keeps quite

Usually Payu won't come out of his room once he goes inside but the day when Rain was there knowingly Payu's comes out just to look at his cute face...

On first day of Payu's college

Payu could easily find out where the business major building was but he goes to Fah and asks him to show the building because he was sure Rain will come along with Fah..

Payu was so happy when Rain came along with Fah to show the building

After that when Fah asked Payu to treat them with ice cream

Payu was overjoyed thinking that he can spend some more time looking at his cute Rain...

He was falling more and more when Rain was being so shy around him...

Next day when Payu gets ready and came down he sees Fah and Rain looking at the tire 🛞

Payu was curious...

At the same time Fah comes to him and asks to take Rain to Uni and bring him back...

Payu heart jumped out of joy...

While sitting in the car Payu wanted to speak to Rain but he was really so nervous because of the excitement that Rain was with him....
So he keeps his mouth shut...

After getting down Rain trips and falls on Payu...

Payu's holds Rain by his waist...

At that moment Payu's heart was beating like crazy...

Thank god Rain was in hurry to stand still and didn't hear Payu's loud heartbeat..

After coming back Rain again trips and falls on the ground..

Payu was so worried that he quickly runs next to Rain and he sees that Rain's shoe lace was untied so he ties it...

Rain gives him a cute smile showing his bunny teeth and Payu was crazily falling for his cutie pie...

On the way back when Rain stopped and went to buy cake and medicines for Fah
Payu was really overwhelmed and happy that his brother is having such a cute bestie...

At home when Rain burns his finger Payu gets so worried thinking that Rain is so clumsy and wanted to take care to of the clumsy boy...

But Payu didn't even know how to approach him...

Even in cafeteria when Lila comes and sits next to Payu and flirts with him...
He sees Rain face and saw that his face gets small and dull

So Payu doesn't even look at Lila because he didn't want to make Rain sad...

After classes when Payu was going back home he saw Rain walking alone on the road listening to songs and enjoying his own company

Flowers from the trees were falling cutely on Rain and god he was looking so beautiful and Payu was mesmerised by Rain's beauty

He immediately takes out his mobile and takes pics of Rain...

Payu was observing each and every moves of Rain and was sure that Rain is also having feelings for him...

But Rain never showed any interest in showing his feelings outside which was making Payu loose his mind...

Later at the party when Payu looked at Rain cutely dressed up

Payu was head over heels for his boy...

His heart was making crazy dances to see Rain so cute...

He felt like hugging and kissing his boy but still keeps quite not knowing what to do...

Then when Lila comes and starts flirting with him...
Payu gets so irritated and he looks at Rain who starts to drink...

He gets so worried and when Rain and Fah goes to dance floor and starts to dance with other guys

Payu gets so jealous...
He couldn't see his boy dancing with some random guys that too looking so cute like that...

So Payu immediately goes and first drags Fah and sends him home with Jimmy and brings Rain to his other home...

Payu was thinking to confess his feelings to Rain

But Rain was so drunk and blabbering entire ride

So Payu thinks it's not a good time to confess...

But when Rain takes initiative and confess his feelings out

Payu was overjoyed and melted like a butter in front of Rain....

He couldn't hold back and pulls Rain for a kiss....

Note : It took a lot of time to write this chapter as I wanted to go back to each chapter and think about the scenes between Payu and Rain...

Next chapter will see what will Payu do...
Will he let his feelings out or keep it inside

End of the chapter 🤗🤗🤗

Got more than 50+ comments for previous chapter in 8hours...

Am so happy and overwhelmed that you all are loving this cute story...

I will reply each and every comment later
Now am going to sleep...

Extra : For more updates join the group chat in Instagram which is dedicated for my wattpad readers

Insta id : rachana_shawty
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Love you all 😘😘😘

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