Payu flirts with his baby (part 1)

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Rain : It's my first kiss....

Payu : No it's your second one baby...

Rain was confused now...

Rain : How...???

Payu : Let me remind you...

Close your eyes...

Rain closes his eyes...

Payu : Now think about the me on the day we went to pub...

Rain starts to think about Payu when he saw him so handsome in pub that day...

He nodes his head...

Payu : That night Lila was flirting with me and seeing that you started drinking...

Rain nodes his head...

Payu : After you were completely drunk and I took you to my home...

Rain nodes his head....

Rain : What happened after that phi...???

Now Payu pulls Rain for a kiss which was similar to the night when Rain was drunk...

He kisses Rain the same way how he kissed him on that night...

While kissing Rain starts to recollect everything one by one what had happened that night...

He remembers that he had confessed to Payu...

He also remembers soon as he confessed Payu had kissed him and adored him....

Later when he wanted more Payu had stopped saying that he was drunk...

He even remembers that Payu had told that he likes him a lot...

Rain remembers everything...

Rain suddenly opens his eyes and pushes Payu...

Rain : So devil you know already that I liked you right...???

Payu : Yes my cutie pie...

Rain beats on Payu's chest...

Rain : So even you like me right...???

Payu : Should I tell you the truth or not...???

Rain pulls Payu closer to him by holding his collar...

Rain : Your a cheater phi...
You knew everything and still made me to confess again...

Payu : Baby you were not ready to confess your feelings to me at all...

What should I do...???

Rain : What about you...???
From when did you like me...???

Payu : That's a secret...

Rain again beats on Payu's chest...

Payu caresses on Rain's bottom lips with his thumb...

Payu : Kiss me again and I will let you know...

They both were getting so close and were about to kiss again when Rain phone starts ringing...

Rain quickly takes his mobile to see Fah calling him...

He gets so nervous and soon picks the call...

Fah : Where are you baby...???

Rain : Am in balcony Fah....
Wait let me come down...

He soon disconnects the call...

Rain : Phi I have to go before Fah comes upstairs searching for me...

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