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This isn't intended to be a picture of Mateo's office, but this is the style of it! The interior of his office doesn't exactly match the rest of the building though because since he works there so often, he wanted to make it feel cozier.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

Felicity stared up at the clock on the wall with boredom as she rested her chin on top of her fists.

It was finally spring break, and all she was doing was sitting at her desk at Belmonte Publishings with nothing to do. Mr. Belmonte had been in a meeting all morning, and Felicity had already finished all of her assignments. So now, she was just waiting.

She would have gone to find him, but he was very clear when he raised his index finger in front of her face and said, "Do not interrupt me in my meeting or so help me."

Felicity rolled her eyes as she recited his words in her mind, then dropped her head down against the flat surface of her desk.

It had been about a week since the incident, and to Felicity's disappointment, nothing really changed between her and her boss. She wasn't expecting Mr. Nice to come out all the time, but for a while there, it felt like maybe he'd start treating her at least a little bit kinder. It seemed like they had really connected with one another, but now they were hitting this wall.

Did all of that stuff that happened that day mean nothing to him?

He remained the same-old, bitter Mateo Belmonte that he had been before; and she was the same-old, docile Felicity Hayes that she had been before.

Perhaps it was because he didn't want his other employees to think he was giving her special treatment, or perhaps it was because people just don't change overnight.

But one thing was for sure, and it was that he was still acting just as cold towards her as ever.

And it frustrated the living hell out her.

The clock struck noon, and Felicity finally stood up to walk towards Mr. Belmonte's office. She pressed her ear against the door, and heard the shuffling of some papers. She didn't hear any voices, so she knocked.

"Come in."

Felicity entered the room and stood silently by the door. Mr. Belmonte was sitting at his desk with the temple tip of his glasses between his teeth as he looked over some paperwork. When Felicity didn't say anything, he peeked his eyes up, "Yes?"

"Do you have anymore assignments for me?" she asked.

After seeing Mr. Belmonte's gentle side, she really wasn't too afraid of him anymore. He still majorly intimidated her, and she still wanted to impress him as her boss, but his mood-swings didn't make her tremble like they used to. She was able to act with much more confidence around him now.

He pulled his glasses out of his mouth, then set them down on his desk. He rubbed his face tiredly, "Did you finish everything else?"

"Yes," she nodded.

"Bring everything to me," he said coldly, "I want to make sure you didn't screw anything up."

"Oh...okay," Felicity said slowly. He didn't normally review everything she did, at least not since she first started, so she wasn't sure why all of a sudden he didn't trust her.

"What?" he snapped, "Do you have a problem with that?"

"No, I was just—"

"Just what, Felicity?" he sighed, "Look, I'm very busy right now, and there are a ton of things that need to get done before the end of the month. I don't have any time to waste on pointless conversations like this one, and we definitely don't have the room to be making any mistakes. Even if they seem minor, a mistake is a mistake. So just go get your last several assignments and bring them to me. Now."

𝐁𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें