Chapter two: healing takes time

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Hey guys,
Sorry about the late update, I've just been insanely busy and kinda stuck with this chapter, not knowing how to continue it.

Anyways, here you go, hope you like it!

Chapter warnings:

Aftermath of getting shot.

(Lemme know if i forgot any)


When Clarke wakes up she's really disoriented at first, but quickly remembers what happened as she sees the sleeping girl beside her.

Lexa is still sitting in the chair, with her arms folded under head on the bed. Clarke looks around and sees that they're in her room.

She gently shakes the commander's shoulder "Lex, wake up, love" she whispers softly as the girl slowly opens her eyes.

The moment Lexa's eyes clear and Clarke can see she remembers what happened, the girl sits up straight way too fast.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. Is there anything you need? Water? Food? Do I need to get the healer? Is your pillows fluffy enough, I can help you if you need to get more comfortable" the brunette rambles. Clarke puts her hand on top of Lexa's which has the effect she wanted, Lexa instantly stops talking, looking at the blonde and Clarke can see how terrified she looks.

"I'm alright. You on the other hand should be in the bed 'cause that chair does not look comfortable to sleep in."

Lexa shakes her head. "No, I'm fine. I didn't even mean to fall asleep, I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't apologize, you need to sleep, you can't stay awake all night, my love."

"Alright I'll sleep" Lexa gives in, but doesn't get up, she just puts her arms back on the bed, laying her head on them, staring at Clarke.

Clarke raises a brow with an amused smile "I meant the bed, Lex"

"No, I'm alright here."

"You really are one of the most stubborn people I know" Clarke says with a laugh "Please" she adds.

Lexa lifts her head, looking at the other side of the bed before returning her eyes to the blue one's already looking back at her. "I don't wanna hurt you" she finally admits, barely a whisper and if they hadn't been sitting so close, Clarke might not have heard it.

She lets out a sigh as she yet again puts her hand on top of Lexa's, before saying; "You won't. I'm not made of glass, Lex, and please don't treat me like I am" those words seem to finally reach the older girl who hesitantly gets up and walks to the other side of the bed. She slowly sits down and moves to lay down beside Clarke, who's turned around so she's looking at Lexa.

"See, isn't that better?"

Lexa lets out a small laugh, before that beautiful smile fades away, green eyes turn to the floor, to hide the tears that fill them, "I was so scared..." She whispers as if saying it too loud will break the moment. Lexa swallows, trying to find the right words, but Clarke doesn't say anything, she lets the other girl collect her thoughts, waiting patiently, which Lexa is so grateful for. Finally Lexa's eyes return to Clarke's, holding them for a while before continuing, "I was so scared, Clarke. I thought I might never get the chance to say that I..." Lexa shakes her head, not being able to get the words out. She's terrified of the words that's about to leave her mouth. Every single cell in her body is screaming at her to not continue. She's been raised her entire life to think it was weakness, it's even been proven true to her before, so doing this all again might be foolish. Lexa knows that after all of her teachings, after all she's experienced, all she's learned, that feeling this, let alone admitting it, is stupid and will only end badly, but she can't help herself. No matter how hard she tried to not end up here, this is exactly where she ended up anyways and now that it's happening, she can't regret it. "I love you, Clarke Kom Skaikru."

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