Author of life and death (poem group)

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Luminous dial on his watch,
As his time ticks away,
He thought he would die any day,
He thought his time was almost up,
And not used up enough,
He thought he put it to waste,
That little place in his mind,
With all his rhyme,
Till the day came,
And so did his realization,
Next life, I'm going to write.

With her little sight,
The little bit of bright light,
She put away her hope,
And turned to the pope,
Asking for forgiveness,
Knowing she'd get none,
Not for this deed,
That she thought had to be done,
So she stood there,
With the wind in her hair,
Till she fell,
Seeing the love of life and death,
But she had only barely gone through life,
Tip toeing she went through both,
Now she knows what a strife,
But to see this beauty,
You need to express it in a million 1000 words,
Because taking a picture was impossible,
Not happening in this other world.

She ran through life,
She saw others strife,
Always felt not like herself,
But once she grew,
She noticed,
What life is,
What death is,
She wished to share it with the world,
But she was just a little girl.

The one who got the picture,
Expressed stories in paintings,
Seeing visions of the past they never had,
Sweet but so terrifying,
They painted and painted like their lives depended on it,
But only so many painting were done,
They only had one brush,
So they vowed to finish,
Even if not in this life time,
They would path a way,
to see the true light of day,
In each brushstroke,
Just like the books used to tell,
The same story,
Life and deaths love,
Will forever live in glory.

On a throne sits an artist,
In the farms works a writer,
At a desk rests a storyteller,
With a gun runs a dreamer,
This world had good in it,
Till we woke up to see it,
At least that's what adults think,
But I know different,
We close our eyes and blink,
Seeing bad in the lies we drink,
But those artists and writers,
That storyteller and dreamer,
Would've brought up amazing things,
Had they of only listened to their dreams. 

Poems of a mended artist.Where stories live. Discover now