Pain is my friend.

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I wake up, 
I fall asleep, 
I think, 
I feel, 
And you're always there, 
Because I don't heal.
You're always here,
So it feels so real. 
always there, 
so what else is there to feel?


lovely pain, 

sweet sweet irony of my past and present, 
you are just a gift, 
perfect for me and unholy indeed. 
My soul yearns and my heart aches, 
sometimes I wish to leave this place. 

I want to keep you near, 
my trustful adviser, 
for I know you'll never be far from my side. 

But I'm tired. 
it hurts. 
i want it to heal for once, 
even just for a time. 
cause pain lurks even in this rhyme. 

So please, 
One amount of time without the pain, please. 

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