Devi 4: The Demon School, Babyls!

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I began to flutter my eyes as I was greeted with the suns rays.

"*Yawn* What time is it?" - (Y/N)

I didn't bother looking over to any clock as I stretch my arms before getting out of bed. I made my bed and head straight to Iruma's room.

"Good morning, Irum-" - (Y/N)

"It wasn't a dream!" - (Iruma)

"Huh?" - (Y/N)

Iruma looked back at me.

"Ah sorry." - (Iruma)

The door suddenly opened and it was Oji-chan and his servant. The servant was a red haired male or female??? but they have an ears and a tail of a cat and he is carrying a tray with two mugs.

"Iruma-kun! (Y/N)-kun! Good morning! Did you two sleep well last night?" - (Sullivan)

"Y-Yes" - (Iruma)

"...Yeah... I guess" - (Y/N)

"Well you two better get ready cause it's almost time for school~" - (Sullivan)


We are far away from the mansion as we stop at some sign post with symbols written in a language that I can't read.

What does this sign mean? - (Y/N)

"Oh, I'm so happy! My grandchildren's first day of school!" - (Sullivan)

He sure is excited... Is he really serious about me and Iruma treating us like his grandchildren?

I was in thought since I still don't trust the demon.

"Picture time! Iruma-kun and (Y/N)-kun stand right next to that." - (Sullivan)

"N-Next to this?" - (Iruma)

Iruma pointed at the sign post. Oji-chan used his magic then the symbols began to spiral and transformed into letters that me and Iruma can read.

"Entrance Ceremony." - (Iruma and Y/N)

I can read it. Is this one of his spells? How does it work? Does it work to translate it to anyone who can't understand the words?

I was so full of questions when Oji-chan come close and made a pose.

"Iruma-kun~! (Y/N)-kun~! Smile for the camera." - (Sullivan)

I walked over beside Iruma and look at the camera. I just put one hand on my hips while making a peace sign and tilting my head a bit on Iruma's direction with a neutral expression, as for Iruma he makes a peace sign while smiling which I can tell is a bit forced.


After the picture was taken I look back at Oji-chan who is so happy that he got a picture of us both Iruma and me in our first day of school.

"Oh, I'm so happy!" - (Sullivan)

He... sure is happy... - (Y/N)

"My grandsons first day of school! There first little bag! There first uniform~!" - (Sullivan)

Someone began to tap behind my shoulder and it was Oji-chan's servant. Oji-cha's servant began to guide me and Iruma to our school while Oji-chan was having a moment of his own.

It's a bit awkward... - (Y/N)

"U-Um, you're Opera-san, right?" - (Iruma)

Opera didn't look at Iruma and keeps walking forward.

"So, this school..." - (Iruma)

Opera pointed over to a direction and I followed where he points and it was foggy to see where is the school.

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