Chapter 27

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The lightning strikes, its streaks cutting through the red sky as its tendrils slithered and branches out of its body. It causes for a brief illumination around on the ground, the flashing light reflecting through the windows on the classroom.

Hae-jin watches as the soldiers rappel down the helicopter rope and jump inside the broken window of the Science Lab. It was then followed by a series of loud gunshot and growls from the zombies, breaking the silence of the night.

"What do you think they are doing?" Su-hyeok asks as he peers down the window of the classroom.

"Idiot, what if a zombie falls down and grabs you," Wu-jin grabs him by the collar before pulling his head back inside the classroom, "You are really an idiot. First, hurting my sister then regretting afterwards then you're practically serving yourself on a silver platter." he blabbers to himself.

"I never knew you were concerned about me, brother-in-law." Su-hyeok smiles, annoying Wu-jin, who shoves him in retaliation.

"Whatever they are doing, they are only hurting my ears more." Gwi-nam winces as the sound of thunder rumbling adds up to the resounding growl of the helicopter. He was holding both of his ears close as he stepped away from the window.

"Do you think they would get your message?" Nam-ra asks Hae-jin. Like Gwi-nam, there's a grimace of pain etched on her face and she was slightly far from the window but she wasn't holding her ears close. Just flinching occasionally when thunder and lightning strikes again.

"They're not suitable to become the key members of the response team if they don't. Even a nursing student knows that fire could destroy viruses and microbes," Hae-jin answered, "A virus without a living body is nothing."

"So, you're still letting them bomb us?" Nam-ra commented.

Hae-jin briefly looks at Nam-ra, "It's better than letting the virus end the world," she turns back before continuing, "And besides, it's not bombing us if we're not here anymore. It's Hyo-san High and the Central they want to bomb. There are other streets that are relatively safe from the bombing."

"There has to be non-infected people who're currently hiding somewhere in Hyo-san. How about them?" Wu-jin asked.

"I don't know what's on your mind but I rather focus on saving myself than to save others who most likely could save themselves." Hae-jin shrugged.

"You do have a point," Su-hyeok nodded, "Let's stop worrying about the other people and focus on worrying about ourselves. We're high school students, what can we do?"

Wu-jin snorted, "Yeah, says the guy who has a hero complex."

"Right," Hae-jin nodded, "We can barely survive ourselves."

At her agreement, Su-hyeok looks so proud of his statement. A smug smile appears on his lips as his eyes glimmer with happiness.

"Tsk, someone has a praise kink." Gwi-nam commented through his wincing. He would take every time to jab at Su-hyeok. He wouldn't let any moment pass.

"It's not a praise!" Su-hyeok argues to 'defend' himself.

"It is— or at least that's what it feels to you. You look like an idiotic golden retriever who got a treat from his owner." Gwi-nam snark back.

"Or a bone." Wu-jin snickers.

"Why are you ganging up on me?"

As the trio continued their nonsense bickering, Hae-jin remained standing by the window, the light from the helicopter flickering on her face while the wind made her hair dance around.

As the soldiers ascended back to the rooftop, one of them met Hae-jin's eyes. This causes him to halt for a moment, just hanging on the rope as his comrades continue their ascend.

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