Chapter 19

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"Argh, I'm freezing." Hae-jin complains, smoke literally coming out from her mouth from how cold the weather tonight is, shoving under a spoon full of ice cream after.

"I don't understand your logic. You know you're freezing but you still ordered that toothpaste disguised as ice cream after eating a whole bowl of bingsu yourself." Su-hyeok commented, equally dressed up in a warm coat as he walked side by side with Hae-jin, the moonlight shining down at them.

Hae-jin gasps dramatically, "How dare you disrespect mint choco like that?"

"Out of all the things I had said, that's the only thing you caught?" Su-hyeok sighs before hovering the mouth of the cup he is holding, "Drink this to warm your insides."

"There's no way I will drink plain black coffee," the class refuses, "Only people who hate their bitter life drink plain black coffee."

Su-hyeok nearly rolled his eyes in her comment, "It's not black coffee, Hae-jin. I ordered a latte."

"Oh, really?" Hae-jin had no other choice but to take a sip when Su-hyeok tilted the cup in her lips himself.

When her lips came in contact with the hot liquid, although it did warm her a little bit, it still scalded her tongue, "This is why I hate hot beverages! It's killing my tongue!"

"Quit being a drama queen," Su-hyeok scoffed, sipping on the same cup after her, "It's not even that bad. It's better than you freezing yourself and ending up having hypothermia."

"It was you who asked me to accompany you when you know it's winter." Hae-jin shrugs, shoving another spoon full of ice cream in her mouth to somehow cool her scalded tongue.

Su-hyeok didn't respond after that, knowing that he indeed invited her to walk that night. But that was only because he couldn't stop thinking about her.


Su-hyeok's head turned to her when he heard her little exclamation. He thought of the worst, ready to scold her for being clumsy again but halted at what he saw.

Hae-jin, holding her cup of mint choco ice cream at one one while the other was the pink spoon, had a foolish smile on her lips, cheeks and nose turning red because of the coldness. There's a small little speck of white on the tip of her nose, "It's snowing!"

She looks so adorable. He thought.

Su-hyeok's eyes shifted from her towards the dark sky, snow falling from above and coating the ground with a blanket of white.

"Oh my gosh! It's the first snowfall of the year!" she suddenly exclaimed in realization, "Do you know what it means?"

Su-hyeok's forehead furrows, "That it's near Christmas?"

"Stupid," Hae-jin sneered at him playfully before continuing, "There's a superstition that if you witness a snowfall with the person you like, true love will blossom and the relationship between them will last long."

"Do you actually believe in that?" Su-hyeok snorted.

"My Mom and Dad witnessed the snowfall together and they're still very much in love," said Hae-jin, "They have 3 children together and are still being blushy and flirty like teenagers to the point that it is disgusting."

Su-hyeok raised an eyebrow at her, "Is this you confessing or I'm just reading this too much."

Yet, Hae-jin just smiled at him in mischief, tip-toeing before brushing her lips to his, both eyes closed as the warmth exploded on their heart.

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