Take the Leap

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It's taking all of the self control I have to not slam this box of pipettes in my lab-mates face. We've been at the lab for the past hour and keep getting hung up on her inability to get the correct measurements. Largely due to her insisting that the pipette she's using is properly calibrated, never mind she picked it up from the bin containing other shoddy looking pipettes. At the sight of yet another incorrect amount of solution flooding into the plastic tip, I heave a sigh before grabbing a new pipette, the box of tips-and anything else that she had resting in front of her- dousing them in alcohol solution and start running the experiment myself.

I had gotten a pep talk from Zeke and Ebony to stand firm that I won't be doing all the work this week in lab, but if they had to deal with Bethany's incompetence every week they'd do the same. Based on the relieved sag in her shoulders, she had been waiting for me to take the reigns since I divided the work load between the two of us. Her posture straightening immediately after I shot her a lasting glare.

Whether she knows it or not, I'm lighting her ass up on the peer evaluation sheets at the end of the semester.

Though it's annoying, the lab does prevent my mind from drifting to what happened on Saturday. 

I knew I was testing him by egging him on, but did I expect for him to bury his face between my legs that night? Absolutely not.

Am I complaining?

Absolutely the fuck not.

He ate it like he'd been waiting his whole life to do it. I can still feel his mouth on me. Feel the vibration from his groans of pleasure. Feel the gentle caresses of his hands on my thighs as he brought me to my orgasm. Feel the-

My thoughts were interrupted by the surprised gasp from my partner bringing my attention to the fact I just sprayed saline solution on our work bench. Hurriedly I put down the pipette using napkins to clean up before throwing her a half committed apologetic smile. One she awkwardly matched herself before offering to move our finished dishes to the incubator and stalking off to the other side of the culture room.

"Get it together Ena," I mutter to myself.

And for the next half hour my mind didn't dare to drift again.

The smell of curry goat and rice and peas filled my apartment in the most tantalizing way, and nearly brought me to my knees.

A feeling that's clearly shared with the look of love in Asma's eyes directed at Ebony who demanded that we stay out of her way while she cooks.

A demand that I'm always happy to oblige by whenever she decides to offer to cook dinner. An offer she only gives when she has her town house to herself due to her roommates being off on some random sorority week. The joy of an empty house making her extra generous.

"How was yalls last match Eb?" Asma questions, inching towards her at the stove to get a gauge of how much longer we need to wait to eat.

A swift swat from Ebony quickly makes her scurry back to the table I took over with my laptop and textbooks. Ebony shoots her a look before a small smile plays on her lips.

"Was a total blowout. I just hope we can keep this momentum these next few matches, then we may have a chance at regionals." She muses gliding between the pot she'd been at to the rice cooker singing its completion.

Nodding at her reply, Asma's gaze falls on me and based on the gleam in her eyes she's somehow acquired tea. And my guess is it has something to do with my weekend activities.

"So Illy," she drawls. Her tone pulling Ebony's attention from the stove, her eyes sparkling with interest.

These nosey motherfuckers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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