In 4k

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The welcoming scent of chicken wings and beer filled the the air as we opened the door into Wille's. The closest and most popular sports bar to our campus, and also the campus favorite hangout spot on the weekends. The several screens turned to different channels of the various college games going on this Friday night. Turning, I hold the door open for the man accompanying me after he checked to make sure he locked the door to his car. His gaze connecting with mine after pocketing his phone.

"Asma and Zeke said they already got a table for us. All we're waiting for is Ebony and Aiden." I toss over my shoulder, my scanning of the room finally landing on the table with the girl waving frantically for our attention.

Making our way over, Zeke and Noel do the typical 'bro hug' before he slides over on the same side of the booth as me.

"You finish your paper?" I question once I settle into the seat.

Groaning, Asma's head falls, her dark brown eyes glittering with disappointment. I should've known the answer to that question would be no. While I'm notorious for my procrastination on school assignments- something that I'm sure my biology degree is suffering from- Asma must have invited the entire thing. Laughing by her side, Zeke nudges her shoulder, a taunting eyebrow raised.

"She called me probably an hour after you guys left because she couldn't focus and swore beating me in one round of Mario Kart would help her refocus since she didn't play it with y'all earlier," he chuckles.

"Mind you she lost all eight rounds we played."

Snorting I look over at Asma who is now pouting and rolling her eyes. Muttering a string of curses out under her breath. She always swears she'll "give us the work," whenever we play, and almost every time she finishes in dead last. A result that has made her amount of money lost due to a bet on a forever exponential climb. Huffing she finally cracks a smile before suddenly perking up.

"But! It's all good, that paper isn't due till next week," she chirps, reaching for the menu flashing a cheeky smile at my incredulous expression.

"You said it was due tonight!"

"I lied," she shrugs before handing the menu over to me.

Huffing in annoyance I snatch the menu from her hand failing to hold back my small smirk at her admission. Ignoring my little attitude, she turns herself to face the man currently peering over my shoulder at the menu with me.

"Hey, you're Aiden and Zeke's friend right? Noel?" She questions, faking the fact that she didn't already stalk him on Instagram shortly after learning of our first recent encounter.

Perking up from her acknowledgment he nods offering up a kind smile.

"Yeah I think I've seen you around before."

Nodding she agrees to the statement when Ebony and Aiden finally enter the restaurant. Signalling for them to come over, Aiden catches sight of me before she does, gently grabbing her hand and leading her in our direction. She squints in our direction before recognition lights her face as she waves enthusiastically at us. Sliding into the booth she chooses to sit across from me, Aiden joining on Noel and my side of the booth. The motion causing Noel to have squish in much closer to me than he was. His thigh flush against mine.

His scent wafted in my direction, a gentle musk invading my senses. I'm pulled from my daze when Zeke snorts at the appearance of our friend. Her skin flush and glowing. A post fuck gleam in her eyes.

"I thought you were just joking when you said she was kicking you out of her car to have a quickie," Noel snorts beside me, causing our table to erupt in laughter at their embarrassed expressions.

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