⇠The Champion's Ballad⇢

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~Three Years Later~

Link went across the busy town, taking a deep breath and letting it out. He had to adjust to life outside of the castle and the salty air over several months, but now that he was in the small village with the Shark Prince, he couldn't be happier. The blonde's aim today was to purchase Sidon some new food, as he had been complaining about the lack of diversity in his diet lately. Link would normally roll his eyes, but he had to admit that the settlement lacked variety, leaving him with a bad taste in his mouth.

He noticed a seller selling fresh fish that had been caught in the adjacent river as he strolled through the market. He bought some of the largest fish he could find because he knew the other male would like them. He then proceeded to the fruit stand to select some beautifully ripe papayas and mangoes. Finally, he made his way to the bakery, the baker turned his attention toward the retired hero smiling. "There you are, Link. I was wondering when you'd be stopping by. I saved some extra desserts for you and Sidon today." He beamed, holding out a small brown box.

The blonde took the box from the other male, setting it in his basket. "Thank you; I'm sure he'll enjoy them," the male answered, cautiously walking around the small store.

The male hummed, leaning against the display case. "How is the Prince doing these days?" The baker continued, following the blonde with his eyes.

The blonde stared at the other for a long moment. "He's doing good, spending most of his time at home or swimming in the lake." Link answered.

The baker started to say something but was interrupted by the tiny bell over the door. With a finger gesture, he hurried over to the counter. With a chuckle, Link picked up a couple more pastries and moved to the counter to pay. After giving prompt assistance to the individual in front of the blonde, the owner quietly grinned. "Sorry about that; are we going to see you for the festival?" he questioned.

The blonde tilted his head to the side, furrowing his brows with confusion. "What festival?" He asked.

The owner stared at Link with an equally confused expression. "I keep forgetting you don't come to the village very often. During the moon festival, the village normally has a small feast and offers personalized items to the goddess." He explained.

Link was silent for a long moment. "I'm not sure; I will talk to Sid about it though." He replied.

Link gave the baker a wave and began walking back home after making his payment. The leaves rustled softly beneath your feet as the huge trees swayed gently in the breeze. A nearby waterfall's sound filled the air, and Link grinned, closed his eyes, and took a long breath. He finally reached his cabin home. It was a simple building with a porch encircling the front. The hut was tucked away in a little clearing with wildflowers and trees all around it. He pulled open the door, went inside, and shut it. The interior looked warm and welcoming, with a little fire in the fireplace already going strong. After taking off his boots, he entered the kitchen and began putting the food away. After finishing that, Link pulled out a dessert and ripped open the box. After carefully placing the big pink cupcake on a plate and staring at it for a while, the blonde filled a glass with milk and headed upstairs.

He pushed open the bedroom door with his shoulder and walked into the dimly lit space, grinning subtly. The man flicked on the lamp and placed the plate on the nightstand next to the bed. Sidon yawned and raked a giant palm down his face, drawing a sigh from the large form beside him. "Hey sleepy head, I'm back from the market." Link sat on the edge of the bed and murmured, resting a hand on his shoulder.

The Shark Prince yawned and rubbed his eyes as he sat up. Link sat up and observed the man's massive belly roll forward to take up his lap as he watched the blanket fall to his lap. The blonde gazed at the taut material that hugged Sidon's voluptuous waist; the buttons on his lower abdomen were yanked so tightly that they were bursting open, exposing fragments of the man's crimson flesh. Stretching, Sidon watched as the blond material rolled higher up his abdomen and gathered beneath the man's breasts. "Getting kind of big, Sid; soon we'll have to skip clothing together." The younger man smiled.

Sidon scratched the side of his belly, ignoring the other male's comment. "How was the market?" He quizzed groggily.

The younger man observed the shark prince bend forward, his protruding breasts hugging his stomach's curve. Grabbing the plate and milk, "Everyone was wondering where you were or how you were doing," he said. Link responded.

The older male smirked. "I can't exactly leave," Sidon commented, glancing down at his protruding belly.

Link threw back his head and laughed, nodding his head. "They were talking about some moon festival they were having, so they asked if we were going to come." The blonde continued, standing and walking toward the bathroom.

The older male cocked his head to the side. Taking a large bite of the cupcake, pink frosting smeared the corner of his mouth. "Do you want to go?" Sidon called.

Link turned on the shower and then flicked on the light. "I'm not sure, but they mentioned a feast. I considered stopping by to get some dinner." He answered.

Sidon lapped up some of the frosting, leaning his head back and moaning. "It would be nice for you to make some friends." He said.

The blonde peeled off his clothing and asked, "Are you saying you don't like me anymore?" He quizzed.

The shark prince sighed. "No, but I don't want you attached to my hip all your life, Link. I want you to explore and make friends," he responded.

Link hopped into the shower, getting his hair wet. "What if I want to be attached to your hip? I kind of like it." The blonde stated:

After ten minutes, Link exited the shower, carefully padded back into the bedroom, and put on his clothes. After getting dressed, the man observed Sidon consuming his dessert before the shark began to guzzle his milk. "Don't you think I'm fat enough?" He asked.

Link smiled, leaning forward. "Never," he whispered, kissing Sidon.

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