⇠Misko, the Great Bandit⇢

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When Sidon awoke the next morning, his stomach felt heavy, and he swiped his palm down his face before blinking the black dots that danced across his eyes. The shark prince pushed himself up onto his elbows when he realized Link wasn't next to him. Sidon slid out of bed slowly, letting out a soft hum as he dressed, finding the tunic that Link had him borrow was tighter than the night before, the tiny pinch of the leather belt on his stomach sending shockwaves of varied feelings through the man. Sidon pushed them to the back of his mind as he carefully made his way to the lobby, scrutinizing the little space. "Hey! I was scared I'd have to embark on this assignment alone because you're now awake." The blonde smiled and held out a little dish.

"Mission? What are you talking about?" Sidon asked, taking the bowl.

"One of the citizen's daughters was kidnapped by one of the bandits nearby, I told him I would check it out." Link answered.

The other set the bowl down on a table next to him, "Link you haven't fought anyone in months, are you crazy?" Sidon growled.

"It shouldn't be much more difficult than taking down Ganon or his monsters; we can't stand by and watch his daughter die." The blonde hero yelled.

The blonde male balled his hand at his side, biting his bottom lip as he breathed gently. "So, you'd rather sit on your ass and stuff yourself than help someone in need?" He inquired.

The blonde male balled his hand at his side, biting his bottom lip as he breathed gently. "So, you'd rather sit on your ass and stuff yourself than help someone in need?" He inquired.

For a long time, they were silent, staring at one other. The tension in the room was so thick that you had to cut it with a knife to break it. "If you want to go get yourself killed, I won't stop you," Sidon eventually groaned. He muttered this while whirling on his heels and walking back into the room.

Link watched him walk away, his chest tightening, and he wanted to scream, so he twisted on his heels and punched the wall next to him. As blood flowed from the little incision streaking over the wall, pain shot through his hand. The blonde hero felt eyes on the back of his neck and turned his head rapidly, only to be met with terror and fear. Huffing, the man drew his hat down over his eyes and dashed out of the hotel.

When Link returned to the motel, the room was dark. The man gently inspected the room, seeing that the bedroom door was shut. Link sighed, snatching some leftover meat from his backpack, and taking a small bite, his gaze flickering toward the door. Link sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, knowing that yelling at the other didn't help anything, that he didn't mean anything he said, but in the heat of the dispute, Link couldn't stop the words from coming out of his lips.

Link completed his dinner and then lay down on the couch, grabbing a spare blanket from his bed. His thoughts returned to the shark in the other room; did he, too, regret the argument? Was he also alone? This was not the last time they would quarrel Link had a strong feeling about something. The blonde man tossed and twisted for what seemed like hours until his thoughts faded into the darkness.


When Link awoke, the bedroom door was open, and Sidon had left. The blonde forced his eyes tight, tears pricking the corner of his eyelids. He packed his bag, collecting his sword and shield before exiting the room, shaking his head. Link inspected his sword for a few moments, deciding that he should find a blacksmith to sharpen it before leaving; fighting with a dull blade would be foolish. Link chewed the inside of his cheek, knowing that if he waited any longer, the citizen's daughter might be hurt...or worse by the time he arrived. Shaking his head, Link sheathed his sword before grabbing the horse and started heading out of the village.

GluttonyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora