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Link hesitated, letting out a nervous breath as the first drop landed on his cheek. A few moments later, it began to rain, and the blonde hero examined the vast field, discovering a cave a few meters away. As Sidon clambered out of the back with a food in hand, Link rushed into the cave, shaking the water from his hair and squeezing the water from his tunic. Link got to work building a fire, then gently drew the map out, hissing when it tore slightly. Sidon sat next to him, knees crossed and elbows properly resting on his tummy. Before speaking the shark stared at the blonde for a long time, munching loudly.

"So where are we heading next?" He quizzed. 

"Looks like we are heading toward Lureline Village, should be a nice vacation for you. They have fish and water for you to swim in." Link informed him. 

Sidon made a face, finishing off the food in his hand. "And they'll have sand..." He grumbled. 

Cocking his head to the side, Link studied the other male for a long moment. "What's wrong with sand? You can make sand castles and other things." He explained with a smile. 

"Have you been in the sand before?" Sidon asked. 

Link rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Of course I have, if you remember I traveled all around Hyrule before this." The blonde said in a matter of fact tone. 

Sidon snorted and crossed his arms across his chest. "Sand goes everywhere, including places you wouldn't expect it to. You'll think you've gotten it all after a nice shower, but no...you're still shedding sand weeks later." Sidon yelled.

Link barked out a laugh, shaking his head. "Aren't you descendants of sharks? As well as living underwater?" He quizzed, in between fits of laughter. 

Sidon narrowed his eyes, "I don't make it my pass time playing in the sand." He answered. 

The blonde smirked, "You sure you're not part dog, you're whining a lot." Link teased. 

The shark cocked his head to the side, the anger turned to confusion. "What's a dog? Is it like your farm animals?" He quizzed. 

Link wrapped his arms around his stomach, tears streaming from his face as he laughed harder. "NO! They're more like house pets people keep around for enjoyment." He explained between fits of laughter. 

Narrowing his eyes, "Are you calling me a house pet?" Sidon growled. 

"You do look the part." Link said, patting the other's belly. 

Sidon knew the blonde was joking, but for some reason the comment stung. Before Sidon's brain had a chance to catch up with his mouth, the male shouted. "You're more like a dog, bending to the Princess word every chance you get." They exchanged lengthy stares before Sidon opened his mouth, the apology on the tip of his tongue but thick at the back of his throat.

Link was the first to break the silence, shifting the map in his hands a few times. "No sand castles for you then..." He trailed off. 

Sidon leaned back slightly, the tightness in his chest started moving down to his stomach. "I'll be too busy anyway...." He stated, changing the subject quickly. 

Link arched an eyebrow, as a small smile formed on his face. As soon as the blonde smiled the tightness seemed to fade, "Stuffing your face with food?" He supplied. 

"Naturally. What else would I do?" Sidon grinned. 

The tension seemed to fade afterward, Link inched closer as he laid his head on Sidon's stomach staring at the fire. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that." Sidon finally spoke. 

Link chuckled, "I know you didn't mean it, I shouldn't have commented on you being a house pet. You're more than that to me." Link whispered. 

"You mean you don't feed me for enjoyment?" Sidon gasped. 

The blonde rolled his eyes and gently tapped the shark prince on the stomach. "Be quiet. You know you prefer being overweight; you're like a giant pampered dog that throws a fit when he doesn't get his way." With a quiet chuckle, he commented.

"How long until we get to the village?" Sidon questioned, changing the topic once again. 

"We should be there in a week or two, the rain surely doesn't help." Link sighed. 

"We could switch, I am more used to the rain than you are. Don't need you to get a cold next." Sidon suggested. 

Link glanced up at the other male, "Aren't you going to be too tired?" He quizzed. 

"I can make it for a couple of miles, you've been pushing me since the last village. I may be royalty but I can pull my weight around and help you." Sidon stated, standing. 

Link turned his attention toward the mouth of the cave, his lips pressed into a frown. "It would be nice to relax for a couple of miles." He thought. After thinking to himself for a moment, Link sighed and nodded his head. "But we rest at the next cave we see." He ordered. 

"Of course." Sidon agreed. 


Link didn't know he'd fallen asleep until the wagon jolted violently, waking him up. The blonde crept nearer the front of the wagon, peering out from behind the curtain to see if the rain had stopped. His gaze searched the terrain, discovering that they had entered more mountains. "How long was I asleep?" He inquired, wiping his sleepy eyelids.

Sidon glanced back, with a wide grin on his face. "Only for a couple of hours," He replied. 

"I thought I told you to stop at the next cave?" Link quizzed. 

"I took a few breaks while you were sleeping, I looked at the map and it turns out we will be in the village once we get over the mountain pass. I never realized how many mountains Hyrule had." He chuckled softly. 

"Have you eaten?" Link quizzed, pulling some food from the bag next to him. 

"I've been snacking throughout the day, you should eat." Sidon replied, stopping in his tracks. 

"I'll eat when we get to the village, we are ahead of schedule I want to keep with the pace." Link argued waving a hand in front of him. 

Rolling his eyes Sidon leaned against the wagon, arms folded over his chest. "We can make up the time afterward, like you said before we shouldn't push ourselves." He said. 

Link sighed, he knew Sidon was right. Half of him didn't even know why he was pushing them to get to the village so hard, this was supposed to be a vacation for both of them. Then dread hit Link's stomach, was Sidon getting bored traveling with him? Shaking the thought to the back of his head, there was no proof of this, plus it was more of Link pushing them not Sid. Chewing the bottom of his lip, Link inhaled squeezing his eyes shut. 

"Are you okay? You look like you're going to throw up." Sidon asked, setting a hand on the other's shoulder. 

Link let out a shaky breath, nodding his head slowly. He couldn't tell Sidon how he was feeling, it would only damper on the mood, and they've already gotten past one fight. "Just the mountain air." He lied. 

"We should stay longer at the village then, let you rest before we make another long track somewhere." Sidon suggested, holding a hand out. 

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Link answered, swallowing thickly. 


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